O.K., we're at six people. Indeed tonight, Thrusday March 29, is the date. Fun starts around 5:30 at The Local (either 137 or 139 - I'll remember this one of these weeks - Ludlow Street between Stanton and Rivington) and then moves on to Grand Szechun International on 9th Avenue between 50 and 51.

The exact time for dinner has yet to be established. Suggestions? Conflicts? If you want to meet up at the restaurant your best bet is probably to check in with us on the cell phone. If you don't have my cell number email me.

The other question open for feedback is about drinks. Obviously those that start at the Local will already be on the beer wagon. Should we just stay with beer? Or if we want to drink wine I'll be happy to pick up a few bottles. Maybe people could commit to $10/head or something like that if we want the vino. Any preferences out there?
- jim 3-29-2001 6:11 pm

That sounds *more* than fair Jim. Beer prior and Wine w/ diner is my choice. May be we should try to get into a sched (or rut) of sorts wherein me and aw are going to get there by 5:30 no matter what and diner (where ever) would be @ 7 or 7:30 on a (semi) regular basis ? I'm partial to thursdays but what ever..... (suggestion subject to popular disapproval)

- bill 3-29-2001 11:00 pm [add a comment]

I agree with Bill, though I might be better off sticking to one or the other (What's the old saying... "wine after beer is something to fear"?). Didn't we catch TM drinking well wine at Local? You'd think we could show him a better time. Maybe we should be on the lookout for a meeting spot with more choices. Haven't a lot of wine bars opened up in that trendy neighborhood of yours yet?
- alex 3-29-2001 11:16 pm [add a comment]

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