...more recent posts
Speaking of art reviews (you're keeping track of all these threads, aren't you?) I don't think we've mentioned the excellent Barry Schwabsky take, in Artforum, on Steve's recent film show at Marianne Boesky Gallery. Too bad they don't post it on their site. If work is good enough, it commands the appropriate response. Steve hasn't always been properly understood in the "art world", but this time someone got it right. Now what about that film party, dude?
Wow, busy day inside my head yesterday, including two instances of precognition (These did not include any political predictions). I finally got my own ISP through inch, but I had a feeling it wasn't going to be working by evening as promised, (Jim can attest to this), and of course it wasn't. The geek on the phone didn't tell me their Unix system wouldn't accept symbols in the password. I think we've got that straight now. Had so many ideas bubbling that I couldn't bother to read at dinner, which is normally my habit when eating alone. The stuff just kept coming as I walked home (some results should be showing up at the Arb soon). Approaching my place, I suddenly knew that my co-tenant Chuck Nanney would have his new I-Mac, and that he would be excited, would want to talk about it, and that this sudden refocusing might drive the current thoughts out of my head before I could write them down. I was absolutely right; the delivery had occurred minutes before my arrival, but my foresight had prepared me, and I politely insisted that I had to take care of my business before I could look at Chuck's new toy. After making a few notes and sketches, I gave Chuck a little help in orienting himself, and I think we'll be hearing from him before too long. These glimpses of the future are, of course, the usual type of unverifiable anecdotal evidence. They can be written off as anxieties based on reasonable interpretations of evidence I was already in possession of. Still, if you can process your anxieties into accurate predictions, that ain't bad. The real point is that this whole rush of psycho-spiritual experience was entirely the result of turning my attention to the Goddess, while working on a new post. Winter had me distracted, but this is Her season; I recommend that everyone give Her a try.
wow, dave's getting daring. Can't wait to hear the outcome of this one (and I hope it doesn't involve an RIAA holding cell.)