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I haven't had time to check these out, but here's a list of flash sites that Gavin sent me. (I'm going to get back into this stuff.) And speaking of Flash - I met a guy in a bar last night who is a Director programmer (Director is like Pro Flash) and he said he did his taxes with it. That must be the definition of being a Macromedia geek. Anyway:

- jim 4-21-2000 11:57 am [link] [7 refs] [2 comments]

The thing I hate most about the NY Times is their smug tone. I get the impression that more editorial capital is expended on maintaining the image of accuracy than on actually achieving it. Everything is presented as if it's coming down from Mt Sinai, but every time I read a story on a subject I actually know something about, I find it's full of inaccuracies, biased viewpoints, or just plain crap.
I never have that problem with the NY Post. I know it's full of crap to begin with, so I'm not disposed to take its veracity for granted. Not being saddled with the Time's noble pose, the tabloid often goes straight to the heart of matters that are not "fit to print", but are really more apropos than what passes for news. The Voice once call Post cartoonist Sean Delonis a "monster from the id" (Forbidden Planet reference) and that might be said of the paper as a whole. This story actually did provide a little information, which sparks doubts about the image being projected of Elian's "surrogate mother". I'm starting to wonder exactly how many children are being abused in this affair. The Post did make one concession to good taste, or more likely expediency; in the paper, this article was accompanied by a nice photo of Marisleysis sucking on a popsicle.
(Oh yeah, the Post doesn't make you sign in, either.)
- alex 4-20-2000 6:18 pm [link] [2 refs] [6 comments]