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Are you watching this golf match?
The web is really fast on Sunday mornings.
Anybody out there using IE 4.01 on the Mac? Rumor has it some pages here are crashing a machine with that setup. Can anyone confirm/deny this? IE 4.5 and 5.0 are both fine I know. Thanks. (Any other observations about differences in different browsers would be appreciated as well.)
Mr. Jim, Mr. Alex, Mr. Dave, Mr. Bill, Mr. Wheel, Miss Rachael, and Mr. Mark, do we have the energy, means, freedom of schedule, and location to have a party in the NY area next Saturday that would include all of you, and yours, and as many as five or six people I might invite? Maybe we will, maybe we won't. Either way, hope to see all of you during a visit bringing me to the area 26-31 Aug.