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Wow! Thanks, Jim, for the new page. I've already moved in and shuffled the furniture around. I'm very pleased with the expanded archive feature (listing posts by subject in a clean, easy-to-use format) and the various ways to modify and create pages. Great work!
- tom moody 5-13-2001 12:21 am [link] [add a comment]

Well, this isn't going as smoothly as I would like, but no major problems. Of course there is no documentation for the new system, so I'm not sure how I expect people to know what's going on....

Anyway, here's a couple things to get everyone started:

You can log into the system at

If you have forgotten or lost your new password (sorry they are not so easy to remember this time, but I think we need the added security) just type your name as it appears on the site (like "posted by: ") into the bottom field and the system will email you your password.

People who are not signed in will see the standard list of pages on the front page. If you are signed in, then you control what goes on the front page. For most people I've put the regular pages up there by default, but the idea is that you are supposed to choose what goes there.

For every page on the site that you can see, you have a "subscription" to that page. To look at your subscription just go to the page in question and click on [subscriptions]. You will see a box with all your subscription info. This tells you whether or not you can post to the page and whether or not you can create new pages underneath that page. There is then a pull down menu that controls how the system keeps track of new stuff (either just new posts, just new comments, both new posts and new comments, or nothing.) Next to that is a field where you could put in an email address. If you do, then an email will be sent to that address every time something new is posted to the page (this is dependent on how you have set tracking for that page.) And then next to that is a filed labeled "homepage". If the page in question is not part of your homepage ( then this will be a checkbox. Checking the box will add the page to your homepage. If the page is already on your homepage, then you will see a number which represents the order that page falls in the list of pages on your homepage. Change this number to change the ordering of pages. Just change it to whatever you want and the system will reorder the other pages.

For a complete list of pages everywhere on the site, go to /index. This is the same as the [site index] link at the bottom of most pages. This page displays a list of files. After each file is an abbreviated version of your subscription info so you can see everything at once. This is the information inside []'s after each file name. The maximum information would be [P C TB/TP/TC E P] where P = posting powers, C = create new page powers, TP = track new posts OR TC = track new comments OR TB = track both, E = email updates, and P = a private page. A private page that you do not have permission for would not be listed. The /index page also lists [new posts] and [new comments] just like the homepage (and regardless of whether the page appears on your homepage.) Notice that /index can be used at any level in the filesystem, so will get you the directory listing at just that level.

Posting is basically the same. You don't have to put <p> or <br> tags if you keep the "convert line breaks to html" checked. Just use the return and the system will put in the html for you. I'll talk about the "summary headline" field later, but it's basically just what shows up in the "summary" area in the /archive for each page. Any page that has expired content automatically has an archive located at .../archive (like /treehouse/archive.)

You can make a preview post (instead of "post now") in which case it will appear on the destination page, but only you can see it. [edit]ing the post will allow you to change it to a live ("post now") post. Next to that is another pull down for "substitution". If substitution is on then you can include, inside of double quotes, the description of any uploaded picture, and the system will put in the html for you.

Much more to come.
- jim 5-12-2001 6:19 pm [link] [1 ref] [1 comment]

i know its planning a head a bit but anyone willing to confirm YAT 5/31 at 50 8th ave?? does it have to be a certain way??
- Skinny 5-12-2001 5:58 pm [link] [1 ref] [2 comments]

"Most leading print magazines would happily send you their product for free if they had any way of knowing (and proving to advertisers) that you read it. Advertisers figure, reasonably, that folks who pay for a magazine are more likely to read it, and maybe see their ad, than those who don't. So magazines make you pay, even if it costs them more than they get from you."

- dave 5-12-2001 5:55 pm [link] [add a comment]

miss usa (sort of) supports those denouncing the us navys bombing range in vieques. in related news, resident bush supports the use of petroleum based products in beauty pageants.
- dave 5-12-2001 5:54 pm [link] [add a comment]

before there was jesus alou, there was jesus.
- dave 5-12-2001 5:54 pm [link] [add a comment]

...with real cocoa!
- dave 5-12-2001 5:53 pm [link] [add a comment]

The weather here is amazing, and the blooming trees make the landscape look as if it is covered with fireworks frozen in mid-bang.
- steve 5-12-2001 5:52 pm [link] [2 comments]