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now theyve really gone too far. strom thurmond just collapsed on the senate floor. (damn those terrorists!) can jesse helms be far behind?
- dave 10-02-2001 4:04 pm [link] [add a comment]

my email and internet explorer are dead or so it seems, i opened an attachement from hungary and got the goo lash virus, jim what can we do if any thing, nortan antivirus zip disked in by linda has found 38 infected programs and 3 common virus's but could delete only 4 programs and one virus the 34 on my restore part of C disk cant be helped per nortan and i cant iE, OE but can use the rest of the computer......OUCH
- Skinny 10-02-2001 2:54 pm [link] [5 comments]

premium discontent
- dave 10-02-2001 2:33 pm [link] [add a comment]

wasnt someone yacking about david halberstam at aka? heres an interview with salon regarding the current crisis and the attitudes that helped it along.
- dave 10-01-2001 3:38 pm [link] [6 comments]