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jessica lynch story fabricated

- bill 5-23-2003 11:33 pm [link] [1 comment]

I don't think I've ever written a fan letter before but I just wrote one to Sen. Robert Bryd.
- jimlouis 5-23-2003 6:22 pm [link] [3 comments]

We want to know what our resident golf-lover thinks about Annika vs. "the guys".
- alex 5-22-2003 7:04 pm [link] [6 comments]

The NY Post has a package of iPod stories dominating the entertainment section today. No news, but this sort of buzz must make Apple happy. Fittingly, the online paper doesn't include the hardcopy's "opinion" piece by pseudo-reactionary fop Jared Paul Stern, wherein he rails about geeks losing touch with the "real world". He's also found out about "something vaguely disgusting sounding called 'blogging'", which he identifies with "self-absorbed, gibbering baboons who obviously never leave the confines of their Dumbo studios." He does like gawker though, perhaps because, like him, they proudly wallow in their own snarkyness. (How's that for an ugly word, or is it snarkiness?) Anyway, it's the sort of criticism that's only leveled at success.

iPod therefore I am

It slices it dices, more than just music

Fashion mavens got it covered

Party in a pocket

Down with download sites

- alex 5-22-2003 6:56 pm [link] [add a comment]