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first iPad
viva loisaida, 1978
attention roswell, its just a weather balloon.
The following is an excerpt of Sean Howe's book, Marvel Comics: The Untold Story, on sale Tuesday, October 9.
i hope that everyone will watch this documentary. i believe this is the first of two parts. it's heartbreaking and very tough to watch. it is estimated that between 60-100 million women are presently missing from the population bc of gender discrimination, sex slavery, and death.
half the sky
I've posted this previously, but while attempting to avoid gourd shopping this past weekend I mentioned it to Dave who did not remember. So here it is again:
I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to get my hands on some fucking gourds and arrange them in a horn-shaped basket on my dining room table. That shit is going to look so seasonal. I’m about to head up to the attic right now to find that wicker fucker, dust it off, and jam it with an insanely ornate assortment of shellacked vegetables. When my guests come over it’s gonna be like, BLAMMO! Check out my shellacked decorative vegetables, assholes. Guess what season it is—fucking fall. There’s a nip in the air and my house is full of mutant fucking squash....
Sent to me by my father. My little brother responded he loved the grandparent bit. I feel sadly apathetic.
Not sure what to make of bagel heads
soviet accident prevention posters
I don't think I ever knew about Michaelmas, but it's a big deal at Lucy, Alice and Ryley's school. Picnic today.
Wylie and family at home via NY Post.
artistic burial alternative: the mushroom death suit
My mom just cancelled her subscription to the New Yorker. She had subscribed since 1960 and had been a reader since she was about twelve (1942). Her mother had been a reader since it's inception and a subscriber since the close of ww2. The magazine was ever-present in their Lexington Ky. home. Mom would walk down weekly to the news store the day it arrived. The reason for cancellation she explained was that the quality had gone down hill, the cost too high ($69.95 annual) and it had become too thin. Plus the cartoons haven't been funny in years.
the frame game
I have some measure of trepidation concerning today's planned one year anniversary ows march. I will watch and hope for the safety of the protesters.
watch out for the white shirt cops guys.
Gd Boston garden '77