...more recent posts
this word game took off on my twitter feed in the last week. just easy enough to make you feel smart.
garbage trend
hollow earth theory
flashback fridays
eve babitz and joan didion died within a week. never heard of the former til recently and wanted to indulge but read some didion back in the day when i read at all. she definitely seems like the patron st of cool chick writers for cool chick writers if they managed to live through their sylvia plath phase.

On the Color Wheel
Red and Green
Are opposites
But the technical term is Complimentary Colors
They call across the Spectrum
And vibrate in one another’s presence
In a time of too much opposition
Remember how Red and Green
Resolve their conflictConjoining as the
Colors of Christmas
for some reason got a royal caribbean cruise ad in my email. just looking at the seven photos in the ad only to quickly notice that there was not a cruise ship among them. tough times when your best option is hiding the thing you are trying to sell.
Anyone else hear the ecco?
So, NYC is about to play Portland for the MLS championship, and I haven't heard a word about it on DMTree?
Another question is why don't I have permission to post to 110%?
images in the mirror may be smaller than they appear
five year east river park plan underway
beautiful photo of central park. hope to visit there some day!
Tapestry showing Arthur as one of the Nine Worthies, wearing a coat of arms often attributed to him (c. 1385)
Ford f-100 retro concept E pickup
have we done the lunch box nostalgia tour before? i had the snoopy one.
Researchers working with Google's quantum computer lab might have created a time crystal. The paper is still in pre print and yet to be peer reviewed. Extremely deep rabbit hole ahead.
If you see one of these beautiful bugs, "squish it, that’s the message," the director of horticulture at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden said. https://t.co/XneKBExU7H
— The New York Times (@nytimes) September 16, 2021
I saw one on Jay Street yesterday, but didn't know what it was.
Some of the 226 dead birds I picked up this morning while window collision monitoring for @NYCAudubon. 205 from @3NYWTC and @4WTC alone. Many others swept up, inaccessible, or too mangled to collect. 30 injured to @wildbirdfund. If you’re in NYC today, be careful where you step. pic.twitter.com/RTjm82NIpy
— Melissa Breyer (@MelissaBreyer) September 14, 2021
The plan to stop COVID and every other airborne respiratory disease.
pinned tweet
"In the big storm last week the all-time record for most rain ever recorded in a single hour was set in Central Park: 1.94" In the past hour tonight 3.10" of rain fell in Central Park."
ed asner
lee "scratch" perry
Attention EVs
This is the 100th anniversary of my Mother's birth.
I didn't write a lot about her, but here is the eulogy I wrote for her. I don’t think I shared it at the time.
She died in 2007. She left her body to medical research, and didn’t give us any funerary directions. The next year my sister and I gathered with my Mother’s three sisters and our cousins for a remembrance. I opened and closed it with songs from records that I knew she liked because she bought them twice; first on vinyl, then CD.
Here she is in 1944, with her sisters (by age) left to right: Mom (Elizabeth,) Margaret (Peggy,) Virginia, Isabel.