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wikipedia to check id's. - note first comment
New Orleans Jazzfest lineup not too shabby this year.
For my "Pointy Stick Award For Practicing Ludditry With a Computer", I tried to be clever and do a superposition of images in html. This works in firefox but renders badly in internet exploder.
Worldmapper: "Worldmapper is a collection of world maps, where territories are re-sized on each map according to the subject of interest."
one time only long distance telephone tax refund
this applies to cell phones too right?
lunar eclipse now! well totals over but it wasnt dark then. still weird.
bad year for bee stress. mite problem may be related.
Wall Street Journal on birding tech. I’ve got eastern bird songs on my iPod, and I’ll probably get a management program like birdjam, but I haven’t really found myself using it in the field. The real test will come once migration gets going and the singing starts in earnest.
In the meantime, anyone want to head up the Hudson for Ivory Gull and Snowy Owl?
I have nieces and great nieces young enough so that I occasionally might find myself shopping for Barbies, and now, finally (if only it were true), I can purchase the Barbie that represents my earliest days, oh those simpler times over on East Kiest in South Oak Cliff. That's right, I'm talking about Oak Cliff Barbie.
This, by the way, is why Google bought YouTube last year: So it could turn legal threats like this into money-making deals, so Google becomes a de facto redistribution channel for publishers like Viacom.
remember the last yat (w/ steve) when those unmarked cops pulled over two cars in a row on clinton street? well.
watch out where the huskies go...