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It's an old epistemological debate, older, actually, than the koan about the tree in the forest. Plato weighed in on it, and philosophers for two millennia afterward: What is beauty? Is it a measurable fact (Gottfried Leibniz), or merely an opinion (David Hume), or is it a little of each, colored by the immediate state of mind of the observer (Immanuel Kant)?
its snowing.
i dont know if its some new edict but theres some prick of a traffic cop giving out tickets to motorcycles locked up to the fence on the allen street mall (the median). first they removed the benches so that the human flotsam would move elsewhere (although now noone has any place to sit) now this. im still waiting for that glorious revitalization project that they wasted money crowing about two years ago.
From now on all digitalmediatree matters will be resolved with this 101 gesture version of Rock Paper Scissors.
show down tonight! come early
After a two-year legal battle, the city of New York has dropped its lawsuit against Time’s Up!
The lawsuit, filed March 22, 2005, targeted the monthly Critical Mass bicycle rides in Manhattan, in which large groups of cyclists ride together. The city sought to require that Critical Mass obtain a parade permit, and also wanted to stop Time’s Up! from promoting Critical Mass.
“We’re very happy that the case was dropped,” said Bill DiPaola, director of Time’s Up! “We’re hoping that this is a first step in a more positive relationship between bicyclists and New York City.”
The city was forced to drop the lawsuit after the Police Department instituted a new rule, said Sheryl Neufeld, senior counsel in the Administrative Law Division of the New York City Law Department.
The new rule defines a parade as a procession of 50 or more pedestrians, vehicles or bicycles, Neufeld said. The old rule did not specify a number of participants.
dc is for the birds.
I think we saw a gyrfalcon on saturday. Alex, is it possible? It was HUGE, bigger than any eagle I've ever seen. But it had pointy bent wings like a falcon, and very dark, almost black, on the underside. We saw it quite close up, near the north shore of Lake Erie, which I know is a hot spot for migration.
Ten most magnificent trees in the world.
100 year old photoblog
What better way to celebrate than with a record dramatizing the novel's steamiest scenes, complete with orchestral accompaniment? Unless you consider “phallus” and “sex” to be obscene words, you'll find yourself quaintly charmed by the idea that this once caused an uproar, even though the anonymous actors do their best to sell the sex with breathless, melodramatic readings.
Both the jacket and the album feature the notation, “Vol. 1,” on all sides, suggesting that this was the first in a series. As the album covers the entire plot of Lady Chatterly's Lover, I must assume that they never found another piece of adult-oriented literature worthy of adaptation.
get yer grateful dead-sponsored, lithuanian basketball team shirt. who knew?
Giant ice cap found under the south pole of Mars that, if thawed, would cover the entire planet with 30 feet of water.
wikipedia to check id's. - note first comment
New Orleans Jazzfest lineup not too shabby this year.
For my "Pointy Stick Award For Practicing Ludditry With a Computer", I tried to be clever and do a superposition of images in html. This works in firefox but renders badly in internet exploder.

Worldmapper: "Worldmapper is a collection of world maps, where territories are re-sized on each map according to the subject of interest."
one time only long distance telephone tax refund
this applies to cell phones too right?
lunar eclipse now! well totals over but it wasnt dark then. still weird.
bad year for bee stress. mite problem may be related.
Wall Street Journal on birding tech. I’ve got eastern bird songs on my iPod, and I’ll probably get a management program like birdjam, but I haven’t really found myself using it in the field. The real test will come once migration gets going and the singing starts in earnest.
In the meantime, anyone want to head up the Hudson for Ivory Gull and Snowy Owl?