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origin mic drop. Better citations needed for 1980's rap and comedians
team shitbird shirts are ready
rip, richard simmons & dr ruth. tough day for 80s "icons".
83 degrees with 66% humidity in my bedroom. might be sleeping on the couch.
its that time of decade again, youse all. turns out i am from *checks notes* the new york metropolitan area.
6/6 parade of planets
whats going on here?
There is no hippie ape
happen to be at warby parker last week and they had a bowl of cardboard eclipse glasses for free on the counter. i did not even know an eclipse was due and i sure didnt think i cared but i grabbed two pairs because they were there and they were free. actually thought i might give them to a neighbor with kids but then i didnt.
so beautiful cloudless day today with post morning rituals giving me a glimmer of hope that today will be different from every other day and with a desperate need to get outside i may have to wander over to the park ive avoided most of the winter and find a spot to look at the sun disappear for 30 seconds. i wonder if this will be the most action the park has seen since native americans allegedly sold manhattan to the dutch near Shorakkopoch Rock.
crazy fookin brit kids, 1974
thinking of buying a submersible superyacht but im worried about parking.
ill never see the mikado the same way again.
@realjoshgad If you seen one fiddler on the roof, you’ve seen them all. So… they… said. Thank you for this gem @Kveller for this gem. #musicals #fiddlerontheroof ♬ original sound - JoshGad
Brooklyn Christmas Bird of the Year: Purple Sandpiper
Purple Sandpipers are reliably present at Christmastime each year on the wave-washed rocky waterfront of my Brooklyn neighborhood along the Verrazzano Narrows. They breed in the far north, and Brooklyn is their idea of south for the winter; they arrive around Thanksgiving and stay into the spring. It’s their tradition.
Free Mickey
mindlessly thwacked what must have been a mosquito as it made a bloody mess on my pristine white wall. thank goodness for those magic erasers which ive only employed since moving here. the are, well, magic. i dont know what theyre made from but if its aborted fetuses id say its still worth it.
finally some catholic content. the daily lunchtime/recess shriekfest at the catholic school nextdoor can be trying especially for someone who has in the past week complained of squeaky doors and faucets. (on cue the neighbors door squeaks) i get it you are having fun, not inquisition level fun (see, i brought it back) but the only thing bloody is my spiking blood pressure and what im liable to do about it. want me to deconstruct that pun for you? theres a iron maiden spikey torture joke in there too but who was the time?
and just like that, lunch is over. ceasefire in play til 3pm.
its that time of year again. yes, you guessed it, im saying goodbye to my oldest still in use t-shirt. the oldest t-shirt in my collection is, of course, my 1977 giorgio chinaglia soccer camp t-shirt in a sky blue but this one is nearly as special as it is the last of the first batch of american apparel t-shirts i bought from an old jewish-owned t-shirt wholesaler storefront formerly on grand st just east of orchard. thats right. you know the one. schmedricks or something. think it was 2005 or so and they were about $7 bucks a pop versus $18 in the american apparel store a half mile away or so on houston. fuck you, perv guy! i won! you all know who i am talking about. but this is also an extra special occasion as it marks the first time i bought ordinary t-shirts in bulk (hanes undershirts notwithstanding) which i am surprised their has been no holiday to comemmorate. but the beastie boys just got that corner of ludlow & rivington named after them so i probably have another six years or so before my time arrives. the campaign begins forthwidth! i will have to admit it outlasted its other brethern by being my least favorite color option and sat for years unused on the shelf along with the violet j crew t-shirts and the itchy northface one. although years later we grew close, it might have even become my favorite of the bunch primarily because i have forgotten the rest. not true, navy & black & umber or especially you, kelly green. ill never forget you. never. so pour one at for ash brown, it might not actually be that color but im too lazy to get up and match it at the moment.... because i am so broken up at losing a friend, nay, my best friend.
According to Hillel & Inside Higher Ed, the % of undergrads who are Jews: * Harvard: 9.9% (down from 25% as recently as the 2010s) * Yale: 12.2% * Columbia University: 22.3% (down from 40% in the late '60s) * Cornell: 21.5% * Brown: 23.9%
TG prayer -BB
Blue Highways
There was a big migrating flock or part of a flock of Robins up in the trees around here at sunset today.
jinx falkenburg > to tell the truth > kathy kusner
greentree > joan whitney payson