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" a rock band, the Butthole Surfers were an avant-garde mess, but as a techno-pop outfit, they make remarkably accessible music..."

From the end of this Providence Phoenix article on Bjork, Stereo Lab, and the Butthole Surfers.
- jim 9-21-2001 4:55 pm [link] [add a comment]

archived vollman on afghanistan
- dave 9-20-2001 10:49 pm [link] [add a comment]

I managed to find these two missing replys to daves post. They disappear when I post them but return when I add a comment. they all run into the original post/comment making it resembling one large post (does that make sence ?)
Let's see if they show up on the Treehouse page.....
[add a comment] Surfing with the cookie warning IS slow but very interesting. I finally turned off the warning and just told it not to accept
any cookies. I have to enable the cookies in order to have access to the red updates and post/comment privilages at this site.
So are Bush, Chaney and Ashcroft taking any cues from Powell restraint wise?
posted by steve 9-20-2001 3:14 pm [add a comment] [edit] Hmmmmm. Posted a comment and it disappeared.
I just said that surfing with the cookie warning is interesting. So slow though that I just set mine not to accept any cookies. (I have to change that when visiting this
And I asked if Bush, Chaney and Ashcroft are taking any cues from Powell? I agree, his stock has risin (with me anyway) But has it with W? I hope so.
posted by steve 9-20-2001 3:19 pm [add a comment] [edit]
- steve 9-20-2001 8:22 pm [link] [5 comments]

- dave 9-20-2001 7:10 pm [link] [2 refs] [3 comments]

Ain't it great how tragedy brings out the best in people ... like Falwell and Robertson. At times like this, I remember a song from Sunday school, "They Will Know We are Christians by Our Love."

I watched the president/general of Pakistan addressing his country. His reasoning was Orwellian, but who can blame him. He focused on how the US-Pakistan relationship would greatly influence Pakistan's power in their struggle with India.

That particular point seemed to be his only hope at reaching Pakistani's on an emotional level. He seemed to realize this weakness in his position, and discussed at length the value of a reasoned strategic decision over an emotional decision. He backed this with an illustration from the life of the prophet. I wonder if Bush is asking "what would Jesus do ... assuming Jesus had access to the most powerful military in the history of the world."
- mark 9-20-2001 11:38 am [link] [add a comment]

phew. if hes a neoliberal, i can only imagine what a neocon is thinking.
- dave 9-19-2001 8:13 pm [link] [add a comment]

point given v. point giving
- dave 9-19-2001 7:03 pm [link] [1 ref] [add a comment]

jargon alert: sky marshals - your arms in the sky
- dave 9-19-2001 6:06 am [link] [add a comment]

ok, here are some of my other complaints. can we come up with some shorthand to refer to the disaster? ive seen "bloody tuesday" but thats a bit gruesome. "9-11" might have some staying power as it is the code for emergency. so where were you for 9-11?

also, can we finish canonizing rudy? about the only job i havent heard him considered for -- pope. where was pope john paul 2 during this crisis? now is not a time for prayer but for action.

guiliani only looks good because the shrub is such a mumbling bumbler. i say, thank god for colin powell, he seems like the only reasonable person in that administration. meanwhile, was i the only person mildly disturbed by bush speaking from the pulpit to the assembled dignitaries (and the viewing audience) at the national cathedral for his day of remembrance. maybe it would have been alright had the speech he gave not been so politically oriented. it seemed like an intentional effort to blur the line between church and state when those lines should be drawn all the more starkly.

lastly, what is up with NOrmalcy? i was taught that it was properly "normality" but the only instance ive seen it used as such of late was in slate. thank you jacob weisberg. (i later found an economist article that also used "normality".) i think merriam webster listed the first instance of "normalcy" for 1857 or so. one of the do-nothing presidents, i think harding (return to normalcy), may have popularized its use. i was wondering what the oed says about it. jim?
- dave 9-19-2001 3:32 am [link] [1 ref] [9 comments]

they say foes, like couples, look and act similiarly after they spend too much time together. what you call a cell, we call "need to know".
- dave 9-19-2001 2:15 am [link] [add a comment]

bookmark The Nation

- bill 9-19-2001 12:19 am [link] [add a comment]

I just got my big 300.00 tax cut check. Now I can go out and prop up the economy.
I’ll buy you a beer.

- alex 9-18-2001 11:34 pm [link] [1 comment]

FYI, find the meaning of acronyms PDQ.
- jim 9-18-2001 10:02 pm [link] [add a comment]

Central Park, NYC

Gopnik said "surreal" and Armani said "cinema, cinema"

- bill 9-18-2001 7:29 pm [link] [add a comment]

I finally got my online service back, and have been trying to digest the last week. I am fine, but have not yet been allowed to return to work at 26 Federal Plaza. The building is within a few blocks of the Trade Center, but we got out unscathed, in the minutes between the second impact and the first collapse. The north wind spared me the dust cloud. I made it to Diti’s, at the edge of downtown, where we saw the towers fall on TV. We were joined by Steve, and later made our way to the Lower East Side, to gather with Jim, Mary Beth, Linda, Mike, Dave, and other friends of this family of friends. I’m often happy to be alone, but this was a time to be with the people you love, and I want to thank everyone for just being there, and for just being. I’ve seen some of you since, and that’s been a comfort, but others have been out of reach, and being cut off from the net has been frustrating. It allows me to be isolated yet connected at the same time. Losing this capability at a time of crisis reminds me of how tightly the internet has been woven into my life, and of just how fragile the high-tech filigree of our civilization really is.

Mixed feelings are on the menu, and I’m sure we’ll all be going through this for some time. I’ll be trying to figure out what I feel, and I’ll try to let you know what I think about that. Meanwhile, some of the most beautiful days of the year are passing, and Fall arrives on Saturday. In irony or irrelevance, the natural world goes on without reflection. We will reflect, but we too will go on.

- alex 9-18-2001 6:35 pm [link] [2 comments]

Our moron-in-chief used the word "crusade" to describe our response. Now there's a word without too much baggage.

Perhaps we need a search and rescue team to look for Dubya's tiny little brain.
- mark 9-18-2001 6:53 am [link] [1 ref] [3 comments]

apparently if you are not an american you dont exist --

"According to London Times, there are nearly 2,500 foreign nationals missing or dead from 42 countries. Those foreign nationals are not included in the estimated 5,000 missing."

- dave 9-17-2001 5:15 pm [link] [add a comment]

do we have any way of describing the event other than "surreal"? is "unreal" more correct in this circumstance? i know im as guilty as the next for using it but wouldnt surreal mean a move not merely to the the extraordinary but beyond to something entirely otherworldly and dreamlike. had the towers taken on organic characteristics and become elastic to avoid the planes that i think would have been surrealistic. than again, "unreal" doesnt quite seem to do justice to the cataclysmic visage. i bet the germans have a good word construct for that sense of dislocation.
- dave 9-16-2001 7:12 pm [link] [1 ref] [2 comments]

NEW YORK (September 15, 2001 6:21 p.m. EDT) - Some 11.8 metric tons of gold worth around $110 million and 30.2 million ounces of silver valued at $121 million are buried in the rubble below one of the collapsed World Trade Center buildings, The New York Times reported Saturday.
- dave 9-16-2001 3:16 am [link] [1 comment]

nostradamus not

- bill 9-13-2001 11:22 pm [link] [1 comment]

anybody online? ive still only got cbs channel 2. im wondering what the coverage is like. theyve reported that the towers are gone but they havent shown any pictures of it. nor have they gone to the national news but kept the local anchors on. whats the rest of the world seeing?
- dave 9-11-2001 6:58 pm [link] [7 comments]

bill look out your window
- linda 9-11-2001 2:01 pm [link] [3 refs] [20 comments]

George Spitz NYC

- bill 9-11-2001 1:40 am [link] [add a comment]

new low-cut levi's comercial with lots of bellybuttons singing "I'm coming out"

- bill 9-10-2001 10:36 pm [link] [2 comments]

excreman Hong Kong

- bill 9-07-2001 10:36 pm [link] [1 ref] [add a comment]