i watched Quadrophenia yesterday. would have been more impressed if it had been made in '69 instead of '79. fits well with this byron quote i ran across last night --

It was one of the deadliest and
heaviest feelings of my life to feel
that I was no longer a boy. From that
moment I began to grow old in
my own esteem -- and in my esteem
age is not estimable.

- dave 8-12-2002 8:33 pm

A rock star in his time. Unlike some, he did die before he got old. Some might apply Matthew Arnold's tribute to our music heroes: "He taught us little, but our soul / Had felt him like the thunder's roll"
- alex 8-12-2002 9:50 pm [add a comment]

As long as your reading Byron it behooves you to read Don Juan, pronounced JOO ANN, in its entire ottava rhima splendor. Byron got more chics than Magic Johnson & would have been the Wheel's wine god. Keats, of course, IS the man.
- frank 8-13-2002 7:30 am [add a comment]

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