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Another security hole exposed - this time in Navigator. Apparently, the way Navigator validates SSL sessions is not totally secure. It's not generally as bad as the IE cookie problem, but it's a problem nonetheless (and possibly it's worse in a very circumscribed set of circumstances.) It's not as bad becasue a) it is very difficult to exploit this problem and b) the problem is already fixed in the latest 4.73 version of Navigator. If you use Netscape (especially when making secure e-commerce connections over https:,) go download the latest version!
- jim 5-13-2000 3:53 pm [link] [add a comment]

Free software philosophy trying to sprout geo-political wings. I don't know if it will fly, but I like the sound of this.
- jim 5-13-2000 12:55 am [link] [1 comment]

Outrage in the Blogger world. Apparently it's true. Mattel is going to try to take this domain away from Matt Lavallee. When I first heard this I absolutely did not believe it. Not the kind of did not believe it like "oh my god, I don't believe it" but the kind like, "that can't be true, I'm not going to fall for that put on." How can a company Mattel, sue a person over an obviously personal, non commercial site because the url is mattl.com? Especially since that's his name: Matt L. So evidently, by Mattel's reasoning, copyrights cover all similar sounding words or phrases, even when used in contexts where no possible confusion could occur. As Matt himself said: "...put simply:OMFG." He promises to post the text of the cease and desist letter tomorrow.
- jim 5-12-2000 10:13 pm [link] [add a comment]

I've been saying it for a few months: wrist watches are almost getting good enough. Here's the latest. Very Dick Tracy. (via, cockybastard, where I had never visited, but since he won the webby for best personal site, I gave him a look see.)
- jim 5-12-2000 10:05 pm [link] [add a comment]

It's anti-microsoft day at barbelith and whatever they say goes (if Grant Morrison hung out on your site, I'd believe what you said too.) Although, actually, I haven't been reading barbelith every day, so I nicked this from rasterweb (which I do read every day.) Anyway, I'm joining in.

So there.
- jim 5-12-2000 9:48 pm [link] [add a comment]

Today's photo is a shot of the mir space station in orbit. The Russians are preparing for a spacewalk in which they will try to patch some exterior cracks with some sort of glue. Story and photo from the BBC. Not much of a story really, but I love the way the American media always refers to mir with a little snicker, like it's some antiquated bucket of scrap metal floating around up there. And while it is true that it is very old, and most of us have more computing power on our desks than it has in total, the mere (mir?) fact that it's still up there is an amazing testament to some seriously quality engineering. And on an unrelated side note, what is that line in Dylan's Visions of Johanna that always sounds to me like: "She's delicate, she seems like the (Mir?)/ but she just makes it all too concise and too clear/ that Johannas not here..." I know it's not 'Mir' but I always think of it that way.
- jim 5-12-2000 4:59 pm [link] [2 comments]

Looks like Metallica might be sorry for filing legal action against 330,000 of their fans. Napster has used an interesting clause in the DMCA to turn the tables on the band. Apparently, Napster is required to kick all of those people off their system, but if the individuals claim that they were falsely accused, then Metallica has to pursue legal action against each individual. And if they fail to do so in 10 days, then they forfeit, and the accounts are reinstated. Of course, everyone just signed up for new accounts under different names right away, but hopefully many people will claim false accusation (using the handy one click form that Napster is providing) and Metallica doesn't possibly have enough money to sue hundreds of thousands of individuals. Salon has the scoop.
- jim 5-12-2000 4:44 pm [link] [1 comment]

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