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Slashdot released the letter they sent in response to Microsoft's letter asking (telling) them to remove some posts that alledgedly violated their copyrights (one or two probably did.) Very tough stuff. Seems reasonable that they would take this approach, figuring Microsoft won't want the bad publicity right now. And not that I've seen a lot of legal documents, but I didn't think they could be this straightforward and readable. It's actually funny it's so bold.
- jim 5-18-2000 11:50 pm [link] [add a comment]

Today is the first day I'm getting reasonable response times from the site. Not sure what the deal is, but I haven't made any major optimizations. This makes me feel good in the sense that it's not all my fault (because sometimes, like today, it works O.K.) Must be some variable loads on our server (coming from other accounts.) Hope it stays like this. Eventually we'll get our own box and then it should be more consistently speeded up. When? you ask. I don't know.
- jim 5-18-2000 10:06 pm [link] [add a comment]

Microsoft released a patch for that browser hole (the cookie one.) You should probably try to install this if you're using ie on windows. (via blogger)
- jim 5-18-2000 9:58 pm [link] [add a comment]

huh? New trend in interface design? (Requires Flash 4.)
- jim 5-18-2000 2:01 am [link] [1 comment]

I am an idiot. This afternoon I've been building the editing system for the individual pages, and I accidently erased my apple page that was underneath this one. I am going to take it as a sign that I shouldn't have that page. Luckily I didn't erase the whole database. Must be careful with that mysql delete command!
- jim 5-18-2000 12:40 am [link] [add a comment]

I'm listening to: Louis Armstrong Hot Fives and Sevens
Most recent book purchace: Cascading Style Sheets: the definitive guide
Mailing lists I'm still on: CHI-web (computer, human interface)
Mailing lists I'm no longer on: Blueworld Dreamweaver list, and that ridiculously high volume Flash list.
old computer I'm using now: Power Computing Power Center pro (with 128 megs ram and a 19'' Radius monitor.)
Newer computer I will get back soon from the lovely MB: Blue and white G3 400 with 256meg ram and 37gigs of storage.
Favorite recent blog topic: riotHero's soul searching about whether he should experiment with drugs.
Most overpriced meal I've had lately: Tabla
Best restaurant that is so crowded I don't want to go anymore: 71 Clinton St.
- jim 5-17-2000 7:38 pm [link] [4 comments]

Slow day so far (from where I sit) so I'm digging this one out of the vaults: The Hobbes' Internet Timeline, the self described "definitive internet history." Bland and dry with just a hint of geekish excitement. For instance, today's picture is supposedly the diagram of the first imp to host connection set up in September of 1969 at UCLA. Good thing they had it so well planned out.
- jim 5-17-2000 5:03 pm [link] [add a comment]

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