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Today is the first day I feel sort of normal since I drank way too much with S. on her last night in town. Still haven't really gotten anything done since then, but it's been a good week in other ways. Lots of interior changes. Sort of like I redecorated my mind. Not exactly sure how that night ended. Hope S. is still talking to me when she gets back.
- jim 6-30-2000 7:17 pm [link] [add a comment]

(My dillema of late: If you know what this means, then you probably heard the news already; if you don't know what I'm talking about then you definitely wouldn't care. Oh well. I'm so pleased about this I'm going to blog it anyway.) MySQL has been GPL'd!
- jim 6-30-2000 7:05 pm [link] [2 comments]

Sounds good Alex. 5:30. (I'll get our private page up again soon. Promise:)
- jim 6-30-2000 4:31 pm [link] [1 comment]

A lot of these posts are done so that I can find these links again by searching my own site when I need them. Sort of a bookmark list, but with more meta data. Here's the PHP front end for Java XML stuff. (Yes, that means Cocoon too.) It will definitely make my life easier if I can access these things through PHP. (See? Now I can search for PHP, Java, XML, or Cocoon, and find the link each way.)
- jim 6-30-2000 2:06 pm [link] [add a comment]

Here's a compelling history of copyright law. I should have known the Irish were behind this. Probably there is an opposing viewpoint (as this one seems pretty slanted toward my views.) Any pointers?
- jim 6-30-2000 1:47 pm [link] [add a comment]

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