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The New York Press has this interesting piece on the future of digital projection movie theatres. Some interesting ideas about how digital content (and wireless delivery of that content) will change the whole business model.

[T]he advantage... is that it will allow theaters to program much besides canned entertainment like movies: every sort of live event from basketball playoffs to rock concerts to telethons. I argued in my "Death of Film" article last year that this will be the real revolution, since it’s destined to produce a new form of entertainment palace that will owe as much to the programming paradigms of television as it does to traditional movies. In fact, this revolution is already under way: in January, Canada’s Famous Players chain started beaming live professional wrestling matches into its theaters. The shows have been selling out at $15 a seat.
Entertainment palace... ummmm....
- jim 6-04-2000 8:15 pm [link] [1 comment]

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