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From the lunch files. If you are a gazpacho fan (and who's not?) you better get over to Sacred Chow (Hudson around Christopher) before their heavenly fruit version is all gone. Incredible summer fare. Trust me on this. Best thing I've had in weeks.
- jim 7-13-2000 6:23 pm [link] [1 ref] [4 comments]

Better keep up on your security alerts if you shelled out the cash for one of those Sony robot dogs. Apparently there are some problems. Woof.
- jim 7-13-2000 6:15 pm [link] [add a comment]

Ground has been broken on the new world headquarters (in other words: we hauled a lot of crap out of the basement, and tore down a sheet rock wall.) Demand for inside information on the plush new office suite is so high that I'm going to keep you regularly updated right here on this page! Hold on for some edge of your seat excitment! Next milestone is Friday, when our crack team of engineers tries to ascertain why the supporting columns inside that wall we tore down don't seem to be touching the ceiling at all. Stay tuned.
- jim 7-12-2000 8:42 pm [link] [add a comment]

I'm always waiting for the next enhancement before buying, but I think the time is right for this portable CD/MP3 player. If you've got CDR, this is a no brainer. I'll let you know when I get mine.
- jim 7-12-2000 8:28 pm [link] [add a comment]

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