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Maybe because I am not such a hard core coder, I like to follow the personality conflic... err, synergies between the various "leaders" of the free/open software movements. Here's a good article/discussion about the big three: RMS, ESR, and Linus. (I think it's 'good' because it supports RMS. I like the comment that he should/might get a Nobel prize someday. He's definitely in that sort of class I think.)
- jim 7-18-2000 5:47 pm [link] [2 comments]

Here's a great faq about landing discount airfares. Seems very informative. I will never use Priceline.com if this info is correct. What a rip-off.
- jim 7-17-2000 10:36 pm [link] [1 comment]

Beautiful day, beautiful scene. Here I am sitting in this sun filled room typing away on a Gateway 2000. MB is behind me with the G3 perched on the table drawing furiously on her Wacom tablet. Mr. Wilson is on the couch typing some words of wisdom (I'm sure) into his powerbook. Just another Long Island vacation digital media tree style. What? It's 2:00? Almost time for the vino. Hope you are all working or relaxing in such a nice state. Going to do some birding with the master in a bit. Maybe I'll put up a picture or two later.
- jim 7-17-2000 6:49 pm [link] [1 comment]

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