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Please use my inch address to email me today and tomorrow. Thanks.
- jim 7-20-2000 3:43 pm [link] [2 comments]

Looks like Apple (yes, today is Macworld NYC) has released the machine I've been waiting for (or, actually, the machine I've been making MB wait for) the dual processor Powermac. I guess they had no choice but to release this machine with the intel/amd crowd pushing well past 1 GHZ. The 500 MHZ G4 wasn't seeming so strong any longer. They've had these MP (multiple processor) machines ready for awhile, but OS 9 doesn't really support MP. I thought they might wait for OS X release (which should blaze on multiple chips) but I guess they decided to jump a little early. That's fine by me. And did someone say standard gigabit ethernet? Holy cow. But the best part, and frankly, the part I don't really believe yet, is that Jobs said these machines are available today, at the same price points as current (now old) G4 powermacs. Could this be true? We've come to expect a little gouging from Apple, is this a change of heart? Giving the faithful an insanely great deal? More as news develops...
- jim 7-19-2000 3:59 pm [link] [add a comment]

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