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This is the living and working module for the International Space Station. It's going up on Wednesday to dock with the the other two pieces (the other picture over there on the left.) We are leaving the planet, however tenuously. The BBC has the story.
- jim 7-25-2000 12:35 am [link] [add a comment]

I think this might work. Pre-paid debit cards for on-line shopping. Sold at 7-11's and backed by Amex, they are good anywhere on the web that a regular American Express card would be. I wonder which on line segment of the market this is going to help out most? (Hint: the only one that makes any money to begin with.) Iis it an irony that 7-11 made a lot of fuss about getting out of that business a few years ago?
- jim 7-24-2000 11:18 pm [link] [add a comment]

Big week for Napster. Probably it will be shut down on Wednesday (although nothing is final at this point.) Dave Winer waxes nostalgic about the little program that changed everything. Sure, he's a little over the top, and a bit of an aging hippy, but is that so bad?
- jim 7-24-2000 3:22 pm [link] [add a comment]

Not sure how I missed the rise of BBSpot, the site some have called, the techie Onion. Anyway, I did, because it's been around for a while, and I've never seen it. Microsoft Alleges US Government is a Monopoly, FTC Approves Crips-Bloods Merger, and Office Jesus Turns Water Into Coffee, plus much much more...

...and if you thought that was at all funny, you probably have low enough standards for The Adventures of Tom Cruise & Spork. (From the always quixotic riothero.)

O.K., I'll stop now.
- jim 7-24-2000 12:43 am [link] [add a comment]

Here's an article about supersonic submarines. Not too technical. Very interesting. Supercavitation. Mmmm.
- jim 7-23-2000 11:30 pm [link] [1 ref] [add a comment]

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