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Independence day quote, internet style:

"We reject kings, presidents, and voting. We believe in rough consensus and running code." (Dave Clark, IETF 1992)
- jim 7-04-2000 4:29 pm [link] [add a comment]

Good discussion at advogato about online communities and the various ways they interact (usenet, web bulletin boards, mailing lists.) Lots of "I remember back in the good old days..." but that can be instructive if coming from the people who really were around "back in the day." The much ridiculued Jon Katz has a 4th of July type article about Jose Bove, the man on trial for trashing the McDonalds in France. And slashdot also recommends space.com for some streaming rocket fireworks action, featuring clips from both categories ("when rockets go right" and the ever popular "when rockets go wrong".) But really, you should probably get out of the house. Turn that computer off. Happy 4th.
- jim 7-04-2000 4:19 pm [link] [add a comment]

HavenCo is the company doing that "secure" co-location facility on the abondon military sea platform turned wacky independent nation off the coast of England. (The one on the last cover of Wired.) Slashdot did the first half of their HavenCo interview a few weeks ago (in the first half they solicit the questions that will be asked from the readers.) The long awaited article has been posted. Pretty interesting. The questioners don't pull any punches, basically suggesting that this is just a P.R. stunt. They do better with their responses then I would have thought.
- jim 7-03-2000 11:22 pm [link] [add a comment]

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