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Looks like Intel is backing away from Rambus. This is a very good thing for your future RAM purchasing.
- jim 8-12-2000 5:01 pm [link] [add a comment]

MacOS Rumors is reporting (as a rumor) that MacOS X is building on the Alpha processor. Supposedly the Mac and Compaq engineers have a very close working relationship. That's news to me, but what do I know? Well, for one, I do know that Motorolla is really screwing things up with their inability to get the G4 passed 500 Mhz. I guess Apple is just keeping their options open (like with the even more outlandish IBM Power4 rumors.) Maybe this is more to scare Motorolla than anything else. But I can still dream. (Reality check: OS X is building, but without Carbon and the Classic environment.)
- jim 8-12-2000 4:59 pm [link] [add a comment]

The indentity-sure tipping system (now called the tipster protocol) Jeff Kandt hatched on Wes Felter's Hack the Planet has now moved to a web site of its own. This is the one to watch if you are interested in viable payment methods for the future of digital content. Of course its much too reasonable to ever work in the marketplace (big money will squash it,) but it's fun to watch smart people in action. I wish I could tip them.
- jim 8-11-2000 8:16 pm [link] [add a comment]

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