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I just erased my whole page. No I didn't mean to. Yes I'm pissed. Yes I'm stupid. AAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH.
- jim 8-15-2000 9:12 pm [link] [5 comments]

I just erased my whole page. No I didn't mean to. Yes I'm pissed. Yes I'm stupid. AAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH.
- jim 8-15-2000 9:12 pm [link] [5 comments]

- jim 8-15-2000 9:01 pm [link] [add a comment]

Between email and all the posting activity here, it's almost like Mike isn't half way around the world on vacation. This global information network is really starting to work out ;-)
- jim 8-14-2000 7:25 pm [link] [1 comment]

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