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As much as I don't believe it, I will admit to keeping one eye on Seybold for the possible introduction of the G4 powerbook. Mmmmm. I'm pretty sure they need to wait for the G4e before they can stuff it into that little form factor (although they did it with the cube, so who knows) but like I said, I'm sort of watching. I know of one person who's out there. Any updates from the trenches?
- jim 8-29-2000 4:40 pm [link] [add a comment]

Busy week. Trying to get away for the weekend. Of course this means that a million little things are popping up which have to get done first. I guess that's almost the point of going away. Not just to rest, but to get everything from your real life in order. It's like having to cross a checkpoint. If I never went away, I could just keep letting things slide until tomorrow. Letting things slide until I get back from vacation doesn't seem like as much of an option. We'll see if I'm still feeling like that on Thursday morning. Big night tonight. Bigger night tomorrow. Must work now.
- jim 8-29-2000 4:37 pm [link] [8 comments]

I saw Craig Venter (president of Celera Genomics) on Charlie Rose last night. Seemed like a decent incredibly smart guy. Still, he made me feel very uncomfortable by not answering the questions about why they are filing so many patents.
- jim 8-29-2000 4:16 pm [link] [add a comment]

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