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Here are 10 one meter resolution satellite images taken from the commercial satellite Ikonos (the first one meter resolution capable commercial satellite.) Perhaps as impressive as the pictures is the fact that their servers seem unfazed by the front page link on Slashdot (although I did catch the story very soon after it was posted.) Looks like they are running Apache on FreeBSD. Nice site.
- jim 9-26-2000 7:20 pm [link] [add a comment]

New design at eatonweb. Looks great I think. Is it just my imagination, or are a lot of people starting to make really clean, really simple page designs? Thank god. [update: Oh, I was looking at it with javascript off (in Nav 4.75 Mac) and of course that kills style sheets, so I guess she didn't mean for it to look like I saw it. Still nice though. Without style sheets the page is just a small box of white surrounding the eatonweb gif floating on an otherwise grey background. No vertical lines or anything. Looks good both ways.]
- jim 9-25-2000 4:04 pm [link] [add a comment]

I think I've decided to go the SDSL route so that I can play around with the Apache server in OS X. I'll let MB and Hannah order the really fast ADSL, and I'll just get the slowest SDSL to run my server. Then I can speed bump it as needed. I cannot wait to get MB's new machine set up so I can get my B&W back and start playing with Apache.
- jim 9-25-2000 3:41 pm [link] [add a comment]

Here's a new mailing list for working with the holy trinity: Apache, MySql, and PHP. Looks like the place for figuring out how to get these running on OSX (well, Apache is already running, I mean the other two.)
- jim 9-25-2000 3:38 pm [link] [8 comments]

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