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"An interesting development for you freaks that follow the Roswell story..."

And as if that link weren't enough, 7CR also has this one, to a great page called "weird but true."
- jim 9-28-2000 12:29 am [link] [add a comment]

Lots of preparations for the big Thanksgiving trip. Things are getting pretty exciting. There's nothing quite like traveling with the Wheel.

Still no plumber, so the office construction is still stalled. Definitely won't be done before the vacation. Hopefully it won't be too long after we are back. I have to order the sdsl before the 30th to get in on a special rebate offer, so I'll actually be in the strange position of hoping they don't install it too fast. Now there's a dsl wish that might come true.
- jim 9-27-2000 7:58 pm [link] [add a comment]

Here are 10 one meter resolution satellite images taken from the commercial satellite Ikonos (the first one meter resolution capable commercial satellite.) Perhaps as impressive as the pictures is the fact that their servers seem unfazed by the front page link on Slashdot (although I did catch the story very soon after it was posted.) Looks like they are running Apache on FreeBSD. Nice site.
- jim 9-26-2000 7:20 pm [link] [add a comment]

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