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Since my other links to hack the planet (not to mention the links to just about every other site in the world) already put me in violation of the DeCSS injunction, I might as well make it official. Pfewfffft. Baaaaa. Gaccck.
- jim 9-04-2000 3:28 pm [link] [add a comment]

The BBC has this story about a Canadian researcher turning to the internet for help in creating a huge database of basic human knowledge to be used in creating artificial intelligences that share basic assumptions about the world with humans. Anyone can contribute to the store of simple assumptions (water is wet, 1+1=2, a dog is not a cat, ect...,) and people who contribute a lot are to be rewarded with shares of any company that emerges from the project. The goal is 1 billion discreet bits of information, which the project is calling "mind pixels." The database will be made available to other AI researchers. It's called GAC ("Jack".) Cool.
- jim 9-04-2000 2:41 pm [link] [add a comment]

Great weekend. Thanks to everyone. I'll post a picture or two later today. Nice to be back in NYC.
- jim 9-04-2000 2:36 pm [link] [7 comments]

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