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The adventure begins

(Phone rings)
Me: Hello?
other guy: This is Orlando from covad, are you aware that bell atlantic has an appointment today to begin the installation of your DSL line?
Me: (hopefully) Yes.
other guy: Is there someone at the location to let them gain access?
Me: Yes.
other guy: Well, the bell atlantic tech said there is no one there.
Me: (getting up and starting down the stairs) Well, there is a large note on the front door with multiple buzzers for him to ring, one of which is the apartment I've been in all morning.
other guy: (pause) Hold on.
[cut to me standing in the street looking around]
other guy: O.K., he said he stepped a block away to make the phone call. Let me give you my private line. If he's not there in 10 minutes, call me back.
Me: Is it the number you're calling me from? I've got it.
other guy: O.K., good.
[10 minutes of me waiting around pointlessly in the street... then me dialing phone number]
other guys voicemail: I'm away from my desk at the moment...
[20 minutes later...]
other guys voicemail: I'm away from my desk at the moment...
[1 hour later...]
other guys voicemail: I'm away from my desk at the moment.
- jim 10-17-2000 7:16 pm [link] [add a comment]

Done, and done. Is it Friday yet?
- jim 10-16-2000 10:05 pm [link] [add a comment]

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