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I've been gearing up for a new (personal) project. Practically this just means I've been thinking about a bunch of stuff, and it seems to be converging on something I could build. It's about bookmarks. I'm trying to follow the "scratch an itch" philosophy which states you should try to make things (tools?) that fill a personal need, as opposed to filling a potential need of some hypothetical market segment. And the bookmarking abilities of the big browsers are not really cutting it for me. Hopefully more info will follow as this develops.
- jim 11-02-2000 8:04 pm [link] [1 comment]

Now that Napster is in a deal with BMG, I'm seeing headlines like this: "Napster goes legit." But who would pay money for the chance to download mp3s using another customers bandwidth, when the song might not even match the title, and even if it does the encoding probably sucks, plus the host machine might disconnect you at any moment? Peer to peer only works because its free. That's the whole point. That's why people make these sacrifices to use Napster. If you pay money then you will expect some quality of service guarantees. And you can't provide that in a peer to peer network.
- jim 11-01-2000 4:04 pm [link] [1 comment]

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