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Stand together - the free software answer to the Mundie (microsoft) attack. Just looking at the list of signers I have to wonder if the victory isn't already clear. The obviously Stallman-esque wording of the document ("GNU/linux system", plus the repeated use of "free software" instead of the watered down - although not necessarily worse - "open source") represents an amazing case of what the title suggests - standing together. Stallman's ideas really do represent a huge shift in thinking, and under anything but the most extreme conditions I think cooler, more consession oriented voices would win out. But if microsoft continues to polarize the atmosphere I wonder if something a little more radical might be able to get up some steam. I think the GPL is pretty radical. It's the monkey wrench.
- jim 5-17-2001 2:08 am [link] [add a comment]

News from the left: liberal arts mafia.
- jim 5-16-2001 8:25 pm [link] [add a comment]

Supposedly, DSL will be turned on in the office tomorrow. We'll see about that.
- jim 5-16-2001 4:46 pm [link] [add a comment]

Telco: Vegas is hack proof
Hacker: "Vegas was easy"

And so IT goes. (via /.)
- jim 5-16-2001 3:50 pm [link] [add a comment]

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