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Happy birthday MB!
If you have an account here (and not much of a life?) you can now pop up a small window that will sit on your desktop and watch the site for you while you work. If something gets posted on a page you are tracking the window will let you know. Just go to /monitor (requires javascript.)
Phil Agre (of rock rock eater mailing list fame) has some ideas about colaborative web filters:
The "webfilter", as I'll call it, is a cross between a discussion list, a weblog, and a bookmark file. It is not just a weblog, since it includes numerous functionalities to deal with long lists of URL's. Nor is it just a discussion list, since the goal is to produce a reasonably clean and orderly presentation of the URL's. Nor is it just a bookmark file, because of its community nature.He explains the system he wants, but also adds "I cannot participate in building such a tool, but I would be happy to try out any prototypes that others might construct." Yeah, OK, I'll get right on it. Still, a good article of some interest to bloggers.
Ahhh! Scorpios everywhere!
It's early November and that means birthday time. Seems like I know an inordinate number of scorpios. Someone once told me this makes sense since I am a boring Taurus. Anyway, I was lucky enough to take two to dinner last night at Papillon. Here's the account if you're interested in such restaurant matters.