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Obligatory link to the high resolution (1 meg) photo of London at night taken from the ISS.
- jim 2-27-2003 8:38 pm [link] [add a comment]

Woah. Is this why google bought blogger?

At Google we're focused on developing technology that brings highly qualified customers to our advertisers in cost-effective new ways. The Content-Targeted Advertising™ service is our latest addition. It displays Google AdWords™ ads on web content pages related to your chosen keywords—so you're provided broader exposure and greater reach for your AdWords campaign.....

Targeted Google AdWords ads will be clearly displayed on content pages, as well as search pages, of sites including HowStuffWorks, Weather Underground, Blogger, and others.
Found this mentioned here.
- jim 2-27-2003 7:59 pm [link] [add a comment]

Ha! William Gibson agrees with my feeling about the best design for the former WTC site. I mean, unless he is joking. (Last item in his blog.)

It might be slightly interesting to note that searches for Gaudi (in various forms) comprise one of the top two traffic generators for this page. Searches for Jennifer 8. Lee constitute the other one. I guess it's all been worth it...
- jim 2-27-2003 6:54 pm [link] [add a comment]

Welcome to Jahshaka: The worlds first OpenSource Realtime Editing and Effects System. (via doc)
- jim 2-27-2003 6:27 pm [link] [add a comment]

Chandler 0.1 target release "before the end of April."
- jim 2-27-2003 6:23 pm [link] [6 comments]

This is the dream scenario for the people's internet: the wireless future.
- jim 2-27-2003 2:21 am [link] [2 comments]

Here's John Perry Barlow with an interesting take on Cheney and what might really be going on in his head. I'm not agreeing with everything here, but it's really worth a read.
- jim 2-26-2003 8:25 pm [link] [13 comments]

Yeah, I guess I'm just going to keep mixing the anti-war sutff in with the geek gadget stuff. You should just pretend that the one doesn't make the other look pretty unimportant. Or worse.

In any case, I've been finding lincoln plawg to be the best source for the important stuff. Take this one for instance:

.... The technique of the War Party is not a million miles away. It's designed to focus the Average Joe's mind on inessentials; and to make him feel as if he's already agreed to go to war. Now, there's something in the psyche of most of us that we're reluctant to go back on a deal we've already made. Hey, that's welshing, isn't it? It's bad, m'kay? Hell, it's unAmerican!

The whole idea of the War Party is to get folks - the guys with votes who don't count now, but will count come New Hampshire - to assume they've already ordered the most expensive thing on the menu, and make them so embarrassed that they don't choose to send the dish back to the kitchen.

And how, exactly, is that done? By assuming that the fact that Saddam has not complied with 1441 and its predecessors is a valid reason to go to war. The War Party say, Everyone already agreed at the time UNSCR 1441 was passed that non-compliance, material breach, were as good as an invasion of Kuwait as a pretext for war. Surely everyone realised that? All except the retarded and the mental, that is. And everyone committed to serious consequences if he didn't.

So, he hasn't. And now we're going to give him serious consequences. And - now you're whining, you lousy sons-of-bitches? But you already agreed! You some kind of welsher?

The whole show - PT Barnum, eat your heart out: this is Sucker Heaven! - is designed to keep folks' minds from what they know: that violence is only justified in self-defence: against an actual attack, or the real threat of an imminent attack. They know that applies in Podunk, USA; and are pretty damned sure it applies everywhere else....
You've got to keep your ears tuned to the phrase "material breach." The administration repeatedly uses this phrase as a trigger for war, and yet it's not at all clear that this is justified. (I mean under international law, which, granted, our administration cares little about.) The fact that I have yet to hear any real questioning in the mainstream media about what "material breach" actually means is a bit disturbing.
- jim 2-26-2003 8:02 pm [link] [1 comment]

Gizmodo visits famed Japanese electronics district Akihabara, and has the pictures to prove it.
- jim 2-26-2003 7:05 pm [link] [add a comment]

First full report on the SonyEricsson P800 super 1337 uber cellphone. Sounds like the long wait has been worth it.

Having bought the danger hiptop I can't possibly contemplate getting a new phone for quite a few more months. But I cannot wait to see what will be around when I'm finally ready. Cellphones are the one consumer electronics niche that is still holding my interest. I'm very optimistic about what the next 12 months will bring.
- jim 2-26-2003 6:52 pm [link] [add a comment]

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