...more recent posts
The second public beta of Apple's new browser Safari is now available. This is v.73 if you're keeping track. I'm not sure why they are still calling it a beta, but whatever. I'm very happy with it as my main browser (but I was happy with v.67, so this is to be expected.)
My very small gripes are as follows: spell checking (finally, yay!) has to be enabled in every new textarea (why not gloabally on? Boo!) and, of even less concern, but still, there is no way to force links from external programs to open in a new tab (rather than a new window.) Camino could do this.
Otherwise, perfect.
Looks like Rys McCusker will be leaving the Chandler project. Sounds like everyone is on good terms. Unclear what this will mean for the project. Hopefully, for Rys, it will mean more time to blog.
Mark's new page of news clips pertaining to the U.S. / Syria situation is really well done. If you have an account you can add it to your front page here.
I hope this style becomes a trend. It seems important that we try to remember what these people actually say leading up to an event, because afterwards there is so much spin it is very easy to become confused. WMD? Regime change? Liberation? Why did we start this war again?
This same style would be great for the coming election season. I wish I had one with all the juicy GWB quotes made during the last campaign. The distance his policies (especially foreign) have come since then is amazing. Or disturbing. Maybe this type of exhaustive record keeping could help hold people to account.
And I also have to mention Bruno's weblog ruminatrix. This is my new first stop on the daily round of global political analysis pages. It's really great to have him writing.
Of course Dave and Tom (despite sporadic attempts to actually run an art page ;-) are still going strong, but you already knew that...