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KISS: Keep It Simple and Sloppy.

Adam Bosworth has been writing some interesting posts lately. He used to work at Microsoft where he was responsible for developing Microsoft Access PC Database, the HTML engine for Internet Explorer 4 and 5, as well as directing most of their XML development work from 1997 to 1999. He later worked as Chief Architect and Senior Vice President of Advanced Development at BEA Systems. And he now works at Google. (Slightly out of date bio link.) In other words, he knows a few things!

He recently spoke at the 2nd International Conference on
Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC04,) and reprinted his speech on his weblog. It's long but very interesting. Well, okay, interesting to me at least. He is able to look at where the web is going from a very high altitude without losing touch with the finer details of implementation.

If you think about web architecture you should read this piece. It is basically the same as my philosophy of how to build things, except I'm not so smart or experienced (understatement of the year) to have put it as well as he has.
- jim 11-19-2004 6:53 pm [link] [2 refs] [add a comment]

The Treo 650 is on sale now directly from Sprint (warning: link to very dorky treo message board.) Might possibly be only available to current Sprint customers (there is some mixed experiences here.) $599 with $150 rebate for Sprint customers of 18 months or longer.

Okay, this phone rocks. The question is: does it make any sense at all to buy such an expensive mobile device when it can't be used on any of the new high speed wireless networks?
- jim 11-18-2004 7:34 pm [link] [2 comments]

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