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Notes for myself (so I remember when setting up the real server.)
Install minimal system from disc, then:
rpm --import /usr/share/doc/centos-release-4/RPM-GPG-KEY
yum upgrade
yum install perl-DBD-MySQL mysql-server mysql php-mysql mod_auth_mysql openssl-devel openssl mod_ssl php-devel php httpd rpm-build rpm-devel gcc perl-CPAN autoconf automake
Make sure apache and mysql start on every reboot:
chkconfig httpd on
chkconfig mysqld on
And start them both now (since we don't want to reboot):
/etc/init.d/mysqld start
/etc/init.d/httpd start
Finally have a local network set up here behind the cable modem (I had just been switching the one ethernet cable back and forth between machines depending on what I was working on.) Wireless too, although that is just a little bonus. Anyway, now I can test my server setup more easily, using the laptop as a client. Quiet weekend here, so hopefully I can get a lot done.
I found this ridiculously helpful site of Johnny Hughes which has a bunch of tutorials for setting up a CentOS server. Johnny Hughes is one of the principal maintainers of CentOS. It's very cool that he seems to care so much about helping newbies like myself.
With support like that it really is pretty easy. To set it up at least. I guess the problem is just if something goes wrong. Do you know enough then to fix it? To not lose data? To get back up again quickly? I'm trying to learn as much as I can at this point so as to move the answers to those questions towards yes if anything ever does go wrong.