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The fissile flim-flam. Three russian journalists try to buy nuclear material on the black market.
- jim 10-13-2001 11:43 pm [link] [add a comment]

Mozilla 0.9.5 has been released.
- jim 10-13-2001 3:22 pm [link] [7 comments]

O.K., I'm going to try to get off politics and back on track here. I guess never having had much of a track to begin with is slowing up this segue. But soon. Real soon now.

Tonight we're going out for dinner as it is our solemn patriotic duty to spend money in local eating establishments (Rudy said so.) And tonight especially so, it being the arbitrary but nevertheless important one month ago day...

The city still smells. Depends on the day and which way the wind blows, but sometimes I wake up in the morning at it is quite strong. Police activity in the Lower East Side is apparently back to normal, what ever that means. Large ad-hoc monuments of flowers and signs are mostly gone, but American flags remain. Everywhere. And firehouses are absolutely bedecked with red white and blue ornaments.

Large upscale restaurants are hurting. I'm assuming all other businesses that rely as much on tourism are hurting too. More local establishments outside the immediate Wall St. zone, like say a little cafe on Clinton St., aren't feeling too much of an effect. I rode home in a cab the other night and was asking the driver what he thought. He said the worst was over and his shifts were getting better.

I guess we'll see about that.
- jim 10-11-2001 11:04 pm [link] [1 ref] [add a comment]

I'm sure the reason I haven't seen this (Pakistani ISI director linked directly to Mahmud Atta) in the U.S. media is because it's incorrect. I mean, our media would never censor anything that might be unpopular with the government. Right?

Now what about getting all those who aid and abet the terrorists? (If you know who backs the ISI you can guess why this will be impossible for the U.S. to do.)
- jim 10-11-2001 7:53 pm [link] [4 comments]

I should rename this page 'gadgets & war' since that's all I post about any more. Today it's back to gadgets: the nokia 5510. Can't say I want one, but that is an interesting take on things.
- jim 10-11-2001 2:55 pm [link] [add a comment]

Anybody use Outlook 4.x on the Mac for email? Could you tell me how to set it to check for new mail automatically at a set interval? I need to explain this to someone with a very tenuous grasp on computers, and I can't get access to a 4.x version of Outlook.
- jim 10-10-2001 7:56 pm [link] [add a comment]

Counterpunch.org has this short and very interesting 1998 interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jimmy Carter's national security advisor, titled How Jimmy Carter and I Started the Mujahideen. (via the chock full of heavy links Ethel the blog)

- jim 10-09-2001 3:05 pm [link] [add a comment]

DEBKAfile is a news source a lot of people have been pointing to recently. Here's a New York Observer piece on the website. They say, in part:

But in this new battleground, it is natural to assume there will be new sources of inside dope. And in the days following the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and as the U.S. geared up for a military response people have begun passing around a link to Debka.com, a crudely designed, Jerusalem-based Web site that offers Middle Eastern military, diplomatic and intelligence information far more detailed (and frightening) than what is offered by many news organizations. At its best, Debka.com reads like a tip sheet from the desert...
Frightening is right. According to debka Putin and Bush have agreed on the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons (in Chechnya and in Afghanistan,) the Chinese (fearful of a new Russian U.S. front) are sending troops to support Bin Laden and the Taliban, a third case of Anthrax in the U.S. is being investigated, Russian and Israeli intelligence both concluded Siberian Airlines 1812 was the vicitim of a terrorist attack and not a stray missle, and that the U.S. is preparing shortly to strike a second country (either Somalia or Iraq.) Scary stories that are moving fast, but are they accurate?
- jim 10-09-2001 2:37 pm [link] [7 comments]

Question and answer with Noam Chomsky.
- jim 10-08-2001 6:04 pm [link] [add a comment]

I'm not scared so much as speechless. If I try to put it into words I get very upset. But if I don't I can go about my day and keep working on my latest web job and not be too paralyzed by what is happening. So I guess that's what I'm going to do.

My hands? What blood?

Still, I won't forget. The bad, but also the good. And I know there are good people out there. New York City is full of them. I saw it. Most people want to help. Yet bad things keep happening. So where I used to suspect we might be under the control of a small cabal bent on evil, I now think it's more likely that we are under the sway of an emergent meta organism which is not exactly human. A sort of human group mind, minus the humanity. I think it emerges through our hierarchical and bureaucratic organizational structures (be they political, military, corporate, religious, or whatever.) It's our worst side and it's fueled by greed and it is devouring lives at this very moment. And the more it feeds the bigger it's appetite grows.

But it is us. And we can turn it. We can make it our best side. I don't know how, but we all do. Keep moving, keep trying, keep being human. Touch someone today. You are love.
- jim 10-08-2001 4:02 pm [link] [7 comments]

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