...more recent posts
This must be a joke. If it's not, and they can actually deliver on their plan (which, admittedly, isn't very clearly spelled out,) the world of music is about to change forever. A handheld wireless p2p music player with 1 mb/sec download speed (according to the original link on memepool, although I can't find that number on their site) with no recuring costs after your initial purchase of the player. Like an iPod (both have 5 gigs of storage) but with a free wireless broadband connection, handwriting recognition, and something like a gnutella client baked in. And if that already isn't unbelievable enough, it's only going to cost $199! Doesn't seem possible, but I'll keep my eye on it. (Requires flash and a little patience - click on 'Learn more about Musit')
Scriptingnews points to this 3-column, liquid, CSS layout that degrades gracefully (even) in navigator 4. That's just what I need. Thanks. But all that javascript! For some reason I'm always suspicious of javascript. Still, if you're going to use it this seems like the best kind. My biggest question is: don't most people who still use navigator 4 keep javascript off? In fact, don't most people have javascript off (unless your browser lets you selectively keep it on, like Mozilla?) I wonder if there are any stats on this.
As soon as Mozilla hits 1.0 I think we can stop catering to navigator 4.x. Or that's what I keep telling myself. These HTML problems are not very interesting to me. Of course there will still be problems even with navigator 4 out of the picture.
Mr. Wilson treats us to a sermon on Lent from his Central Park pulpit.
The ever mysterious Big Jimmy Fingers and I are talking Moxi server and the future of DRM and the computer over here.
If we're to believe him, Mr. Barrett saved a seized iMac hard drive by putting it in the freezer for a few minutes. I'll file that under options of last resort.
The Handspring Treo is shipping. Finally. I still can't figure out what the monthly costs will be. MB actually said last night, out of the blue, that she needs a palm pilot. And it's clear she needs a cell phone (although I think she sometimes likes being the last one in the world not to have one.) So maybe this is the one.
Well it turns out my friends S and V did order the new iMac. That is most excellent news. And not just that, but they bought a Canon G2 as well. Nice. Still some weeks before the iMac ships. I made them promise to invite me out for a weekend when it comes. I'll bring the Apple flavored Kool-aid.
Who did I hear (Dave? Alex?) call Enron the crooked E ranch? Maybe you have to be familiar with ranch names and brands (the hot searing kind, not the MBA kind,) but if you're not just trust me, that's funny.
Note to the e-commerce department: How about I just give you my credit card number every time I want to purchase something? You know, like in the real world? Like we always do it? My credit card number is already my unique identifier. Why do I need a seperate unique identifier at every site?
This would have the following benefits:
1) I wouldn't have to fight your bizarre web site to set up a user account.
2) I wouldn't have to repeat step 1 every time I go to purchase something because I can't remember the password from the previous account set up ordeal.
3) I'll feel more secure, because my credit card number is not stored in your computers. (Really, thanks for the offer for help, but I don't have much trouble carrying my card around in my pocket.)
4) You'll escape giving the impression that you're just making me go through this whole user account process because you think I'm dumb enough to purchase something from you in the future just because I already have an account set up.
Thanks for listening. I'll expect these changes in place by later this afternoon.
I've been thrown out of my routine, and now I can't get any traction. A bunch of stuff is about to happen. The restaurant is opening. The basement office is finally done and ready for occupation. The new software is basically done and ready to be deployed. But there is still work to be done, loose ends to be joined. For me it's always this last bit that proves to be the most difficult. At first it's all possibility. It's all about what we want to make happen. But at this point, so late in the game, these projects are pretty much in charge of us! Demanding that we finish up this piece or that. Too late to make any real changes that aren't already figured in the present shape of the project itself. I grow bored at this point.
I'm really impressed by MB and J's ability to stay focused. Right through to the end. Meanwhile I'm quite scattered, and not really much help (if I ever was.) Still, I have been secretly laying plans for what might come next, although it's too soon for any details. Plus, part of the trick is making it seem like someone else's idea.