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Is this going too far? Frankly, I'd rather have an 802.11 wireless laptop, but I'll give credit for the recycling of old machine angle. (from genehack)
- jim 9-07-2000 3:46 pm [link] [2 comments]

I've been getting my courage up for the next round of computer learning. With the added space I'll be getting with the new office I'm going to finally add that windows machine. And unless I chicken out, I'm going to try to assemble it myself. I'll be following the sage advice of the Ars Technica staff who put together near monthly updates to the latest and greatest PC components. I'll be following their budget box recommendations, but for the more flush they also offer the midpriced hotrod box, and the no explanation necessary god box. Buy the parts, snap it together, how hard could it be? (Cut to picture of Jim gnashing teeth amid motherboards and hard disc controller ribbons.) And then for my next trick, I'm going to try to get it to dual boot linux. The ever inspiring Rasterweb has been documenting his attempts at Linux DIY in The Road to Linux, and not really having any good ideas myself, I'll try to do the same thing here. But I've got to get the machine first.
- jim 9-07-2000 3:20 pm [link] [add a comment]

Since my other links to hack the planet (not to mention the links to just about every other site in the world) already put me in violation of the DeCSS injunction, I might as well make it official. Pfewfffft. Baaaaa. Gaccck.
- jim 9-04-2000 3:28 pm [link] [add a comment]

The BBC has this story about a Canadian researcher turning to the internet for help in creating a huge database of basic human knowledge to be used in creating artificial intelligences that share basic assumptions about the world with humans. Anyone can contribute to the store of simple assumptions (water is wet, 1+1=2, a dog is not a cat, ect...,) and people who contribute a lot are to be rewarded with shares of any company that emerges from the project. The goal is 1 billion discreet bits of information, which the project is calling "mind pixels." The database will be made available to other AI researchers. It's called GAC ("Jack".) Cool.
- jim 9-04-2000 2:41 pm [link] [add a comment]

Great weekend. Thanks to everyone. I'll post a picture or two later today. Nice to be back in NYC.
- jim 9-04-2000 2:36 pm [link] [7 comments]

Great time last night at the first intra-site get together (minus one member.) Getting the last few things together here before the late summer double Mom fest begins. Then it's back to school... oh, no wait, that was a long time ago.
- jim 8-31-2000 3:33 pm [link] [3 comments]

I'm all for technology, but I have noticed this never works out well for humans in sci-fi stories.

"Hod Lipson, a mechanical engineer who worked with Pollack on the project, described it as 'nearly a self-replicating artificial life system.'"

- jim 8-30-2000 8:56 pm [link] [add a comment]

Well, no Powerbooks, which is probably a good thing, but only 2 more weeks until OS X. I will be getting and installing as soon as it is out. That should provide update fodder for a few days/weeks/months. I'm actually pretty excited, which is most likely not a good thing to be over a piece of software. But that's how it is.
- jim 8-30-2000 5:52 pm [link] [5 comments]

As much as I don't believe it, I will admit to keeping one eye on Seybold for the possible introduction of the G4 powerbook. Mmmmm. I'm pretty sure they need to wait for the G4e before they can stuff it into that little form factor (although they did it with the cube, so who knows) but like I said, I'm sort of watching. I know of one person who's out there. Any updates from the trenches?
- jim 8-29-2000 4:40 pm [link] [add a comment]

Busy week. Trying to get away for the weekend. Of course this means that a million little things are popping up which have to get done first. I guess that's almost the point of going away. Not just to rest, but to get everything from your real life in order. It's like having to cross a checkpoint. If I never went away, I could just keep letting things slide until tomorrow. Letting things slide until I get back from vacation doesn't seem like as much of an option. We'll see if I'm still feeling like that on Thursday morning. Big night tonight. Bigger night tomorrow. Must work now.
- jim 8-29-2000 4:37 pm [link] [8 comments]

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