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Blogs are over, done, finished, washed up, old news, and totally, completely, uncool; long live blogs.
- jim 9-17-2000 2:34 pm [link] [add a comment]

A University of Michigan professor, Philip Bucksbaum, is saying that a single electron can store an infinite amount of data. Maybe the whole really is contained in each of its parts.
- jim 9-16-2000 9:31 pm [link] [add a comment]

Making sure the recording industry remembers Love's a bitch.
- jim 9-15-2000 8:11 pm [link] [add a comment]

Robert Cringely supplies the responses, completing his slashdot interview. He's smart.
- jim 9-15-2000 8:09 pm [link] [add a comment]

Today's picture (archived here) is my niece Mary. Despite the fact that I am related to her, she is very cute. We had a great dinner with her in Providence.
- jim 9-14-2000 6:16 pm [link] [4 comments]

Well, this is turning out to be a little frustrating (I thought it might.) Almost 2 hours spent trying to give Apple a lot of money. Too bad their servers can't handle the load. How many people could really be hitting the Apple store right now? A million? I doubt it. They should be able to handle the load. Maybe they should look into Solaris. Anyway, I keep trying to place the order and I keep getting server errors (too much load, I'm pretty sure) and then after 5 or 6 times my session will time out and I have to start all over. Of course the whole time I'm on hold (voice) with them as well, just in case someone picks up. Anyway, the last time I had to go back to the beginning and start over it is showing that I have an order being processed (even though I never got any message over the web telling me that they acknowledged the order.) Unfortunately when I check the order status it just says my account is being revised. Grrrr. It might be possible that I ordered the same machine like 80 times. I wonder what the limit on that card is?

And you thought blogs were only full of crappy, uninteresting, self-centered ramblings... oh, wait....

[update: Well, something got ordered. Unfortunately, I've already received 6 email confirmations, and there seems to be another one in my mailbox every time I check. I sure hope they realize I don't want 80 versions of the exact same order.]
- jim 9-13-2000 5:18 pm [link] [2 comments]

Finally it's here. Mac OSX public beta has been released. MacNN has good coverage of the whole Paris expo. New ibooks (w/firewire) were also released. No new Powerbooks (although I want one, I'm glad they didn't rush something out; I'd rather wait for bigger screen, and higher mhz G4e.) I'm ordering X today for my machine, but we're not planning on changing over the whole office until we're sure it's ready (fonts and printer drivers are making me especially worried.) Maybe by February or March. Long way to go, but I feel like it's the start of a new era (for me at least.)
- jim 9-13-2000 2:37 pm [link] [1 comment]

Too bizarre. Here's some info if you're curious about the picture. I wonder if they'll make the smart(y) pants?
- jim 9-12-2000 9:58 pm [link] [add a comment]

On the web design front: I've never seen this before. Check out the little animation that plays (once) when you load the page. It reminds you to make sure you are seeing all of the horizontal information in the graph. It's a little thing, but it's nice. If I was still on the chi-web (Computer Human Interface) mailing list, I would point that one out. (The chart is a list of costs for credit card transactions. Suddenly I'm hearing a lot about micropayments again.)
- jim 9-12-2000 9:20 pm [link] [add a comment]

Just in case you're looking for yet another summary of the current intellectual property rights in the networked computer age debate, here is an unusually good one. Heavily biased toward the information sharing side of the argument, but well argued, and reasonably presented. And for the rest of your cyber-freedom legal shopping, take a look around the whole Berkman Openlaw site while you're at it.
- jim 9-12-2000 3:42 pm [link] [add a comment]

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