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"So anyway, uh great, now folks are trying to patent simple operations on graph connectivity relations. Lord save us. " Yeah, what he said. Here's a follow up in the same thread. Reading David McCusker comments always makes my day. Now if I could just figure out what exactly he is building.
- jim 10-03-2000 6:09 pm [link] [add a comment]

Here's the best look at OS X Public Beta (from Ars Technica's Mac Wizard John Siracusa.) Listen up Apple. This guy knows what he is talking about. (Long article, with some nice screen shots if you're wondering what the new Mac world is going to look like.)
- jim 10-03-2000 4:31 pm [link] [8 comments]

Space fungus eating Mir. (Well, they are common earth fungi, but they are eating the aging space station.) Here's the slashot thread. My favorite quote is

"...he added that the station had 'a strong smell of fungal contamination' - a smell he called 'mushroomy' in his book - and that 'there were areas you wouldn't want to stick your hand in.'"

- jim 10-03-2000 3:24 pm [link] [add a comment]

It's here!
- jim 10-02-2000 7:43 pm [link] [4 comments]

I am trying to be patient. The new machine (cerebus? It has two brains after all) was loaded on the FedEx van this morning at 7:45. This means it is somewhere in Manhattan, winding its way through the crowded streets. But I don't know when it will find its way to the lower east side. This reminds me of a time in high school when I was at my parents house on Cape Cod waiting for my then girlfriend to arrive for the weekend (driving from NYC.) I had only a rough idea of her arrival time (pre cellphone days,) but at one point, for no apparent reason, I stood up from the kitchen table, and not knowing what I was doing, walked out to the end of the driveway. As soon as I got there her car appeared over the top of the hill down the end of the street. Strange. Made me tingle all over.
- jim 10-02-2000 4:27 pm [link] [4 comments]

From the not-quite-getting-it department: IOC disappointed with Olympic internet use. This is from the same group that went out of their way to stop independent web coverage of the games (i.e., athletes who were set up to run blog-like pages detailing their personal experiences at the games were stopped by those in power, I guess in fear that they would take away viewers from the incredibly bad and much over-hyped, and over sentimentalized, major media coverage.) Huh? Repeat after me: The web is not a replacement for T.V.
- jim 10-01-2000 4:47 pm [link] [add a comment]

Took a really long walk yesterday up through midtown. I used to walk around (and bike around) the city more than I do now. Yesterday's trek brought back all sorts of memories.

Housing is always tricky here, and at one point (years ago now) I didn't have a real place to live. I had lots of places I could stay, but no real home. That's when I really walked around a lot. As if the whole city was my home. Now those days seem far away, but on the right day, if I walk far enough, I'll find myself back there again.

Anyway, I was going to say: Took a long walk yesterday and ended up stopping into CompUSA on 5th in the 40's. I was looking to see a Sony Monitor MB is thinking about buying (GDM-W900,) and although they didn't have that, I did get a chance to play with the Mac OSX Public Beta. Sure, I've seen all the screen shots, but it was nice to see it in action. Looks sweet I think. It was running on a G4 tower, but I couldn't tell if it was a Multi-Processor or not. If it wasn't, then I don't know what everyone is complaining about in terms of speed, because the desktop seemed very responsive. Quicktime movies played well (and I've heard they don't.) I cannot wait to get it (looks like tomorrow, as FedEx is saying it has left the sort facility in Newark, NJ.) You, gentle reader, will be the second to know.
- jim 10-01-2000 4:11 pm [link] [add a comment]

This weather is too good. I love the fall. Perfect. Now if we could just hold it right here until about April...
- jim 9-30-2000 3:14 pm [link] [add a comment]

Two days ago I woke up in the morning and the first thing I thought about (or was it the last thing I was dreaming about?) was the phrase "quantum entanglement." Now this was strange because although I have heard this phrase before, I really have no idea what quantum entanglement is. Apparently it might be important.
- jim 9-29-2000 3:00 pm [link] [add a comment]

It shipped!
- jim 9-29-2000 2:37 pm [link] [add a comment]

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