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Sirius (a.k.a the dog star) is a very interesting star. Here's the story of one mystery surrounding it (namely: how did an ancient West African tribe know details about the star that western science did not learn until 1970?) Not covered in the article is the popular fringe science belief that Sirius (which is actually a two star system consisting of Sirius and a smaller white dwarf star Sirius B) could be collapsed to form a blackhole that could then be used in the construction of spacetime machine. Probably we better check with the dog gods before we try that one.
- jim 10-23-2000 7:34 pm [link] [7 comments]

More David McCusker. Today it's how to get rich. My comment: exactly. Dig the last paragraph:

"You can slowly work yourself into this kind of arrangement by starting some distributed cooperation over some kind of project, which can be undertaken in non profit terms while you work someplace else."

- jim 10-23-2000 7:16 pm [link] [add a comment]

What a bizarre game. Sure the Yanks are up 2-0, so I'm happy about that, but some of the steam seems to have been taken out of the series. What was Clemens doing? Not too smart. I hope we can put that behind us, but I fear that even if the Yankees go on to win, a lot of the boasting that should go along with that will have to be toned down. A little humble remorse seems called for on the part of the Yankees faithful, and that takes most the fun out of the subway series. Still, you have to admit, Clemens can sure pitch.

Is it true that more batters get hit in the head in the American league? The announcers sort of implied this at one point when they were talking about the DH rule, and saying that if pitchers in the American leauge had to bat, there would be less head hunting. Sounds reasonable, but is it true?
- jim 10-23-2000 7:08 pm [link] [1 ref] [1 comment]

I love how David McCusker can say fairly radical things so politely.

"...I don't want to change the basic rules that folks get rewarded for work, and the more work they do then the more reward. Make no mistake, all our systems are just patterns of rules that suit us in their application. They can be changed, and they do tend to change, but slowly. I wish folks would see value in future changes that cause less compounded acceleration of wealth in the hands of wealthy without doing any work...."

- jim 10-20-2000 10:44 pm [link] [1 comment]

It might be legal, but it's probably not too good for your health.
- jim 10-20-2000 4:56 pm [link] [add a comment]

I think I saw a show on PBS about this woman a long time ago. Really cool person. She's building a village out of bottles. Nice stuff.
- jim 10-20-2000 4:51 pm [link] [add a comment]

Apparently Bell Atlantic has found a "problem in my loop." Just thought you might want to know.
- jim 10-18-2000 10:39 pm [link] [add a comment]

Hung out last night with some really nice friends of MB's who were visiting from Colorado. I was actually surprised to learn that, apparently, people in the rest of the country hate the Yankees. This comes as quite a shock to me. And now I see Dave Winer has been bad mouthing the Yankees as well, saying they "have no philosophy." I'm really not sure what that means, but frankly, not having a "philosophy" doesn't seem like a real stopper for a baseball team. One thing's for sure: we're going to enjoy the world series here in NYC.
- jim 10-18-2000 10:26 pm [link] [3 comments]

Why oh why does Sony insist on foisting the memory stick on us? This is such a great new camera, but with slower, smaller, more expensive, and proprietary storage I don't see how anyone could buy it. This is a shame, because otherwise it's a really great package.
- jim 10-18-2000 4:35 pm [link] [add a comment]

Here's a little sketch of the desk I want for the new office. Well, this hasn't actually been approved, but I don't think there will be any problem ;-)
- jim 10-18-2000 4:31 pm [link] [1 comment]

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