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The end of rapid technological change? Intriguing argument. (from HTP)
- jim 10-28-2000 6:54 pm [link] [add a comment]

Bushism of the Day:

"It's important for us to explain to our nation that life is important. It's not only life of babies, but it's life of children living in, you know, the dark dungeons of the Internet."--Arlington Heights, Ill., Oct. 24, 2000
Huh? Dark dungeons? Does he mean that thing with the dragons and the funny dice? That's so pre-internet, but I guess he's got the right social group. Come to think of it, I seem to remember my mother warning me about Dungeons and Dragons as well. If only I had gotten into it, I'd probably be some sort of unix wizard by now, writing obfuscated one line perl programs to calculate the amount of hit point damage my stock options could do against a heavily armed phalanx of suited capitalists. Instead I wasted many years trying to fit in and kiss girls. Oh well.
- jim 10-27-2000 9:49 pm [link] [2 comments]

Is Kid-A the pro-Napster argument the industry can't deny?
- jim 10-27-2000 9:34 pm [link] [add a comment]

I grew up as a Red Sox fan. Not just a casual fan, I was one of the Fenway faithful. I loved the Bo Sox. Fred Lynn, Jim Rice, Dwight Evans, Carleton Fisk, Luis Tiant, Rick Burelson (sp?), Butch Hobson, George Scott, Jerry Remey, Bill Lee (!), Carl Yastremski... These were the big league heros I grew up on. So I'm sure it would come as quite a shock to some of my playground pals that I now live in New York, and while I'm certainly not so fixated on baseball, I do route for the Yankees when it comes down to it. The Yankees! How could this be you ask? Those spoilers of so many Red Sox dreams. Those evil tyrants of the A.L. East. Those Bronx Bullies. My defense rests on the head (and what a head it is) of one man. A man who thoroughly signifies baseball - if not through his deeds at least through his posture - Don Zimmer. That's right, Joe Torre's right hand man, and former Red Sox head coach. The man who, at least for me, ties it all together. From the always losing Sox, to the never fail Yankees, it's really Don Zimmer I've been routing for all along. See? There's no conflict. So congratulations to the Don, and the rest of the Yanks. Now no more baseball talk for a year.
- jim 10-27-2000 9:24 pm [link] [4 refs] [1 comment]

November 3rd is my new "committed" installation date for DSL from Verizon. The email actually said, "All previously received committed delivery dates, if any, should be considered canceled." To (sort of) quote the princess bride: "You keep using that word 'committed,' I do not think it means what you think it means."
- jim 10-27-2000 9:11 pm [link] [1 comment]

Forget the elections. Vote for something really important.
- jim 10-27-2000 1:57 pm [link] [add a comment]

Microsoft cracked. I guess it's big news because everyone has it.
- jim 10-27-2000 1:44 pm [link] [add a comment]

Here's an in depth first look at the Apple's long awaited new DV codec (it's part of the new Quicktime 5.0.) Seems like they're making good progress.
- jim 10-26-2000 4:52 pm [link] [add a comment]

Has anyone else caught that snickers commercial? It is very funny to me that our two Presidential candidates [sic] are being openly mocked in a candy commercial. "I wear the same pants as my Dad." "- well, I invented pants." LOL.
- jim 10-25-2000 4:30 pm [link] [add a comment]

Just so crazy it might work. slashdot has a great link to a spherical projection system for virtual reality applications. That seems like it would solve a lot of problems with the whole VR thing. Maybe not too practical for home use though.
- jim 10-24-2000 2:56 pm [link] [add a comment]

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