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The entire text of Buckminster Fuller's synergetics is online.
- jim 5-11-2001 9:33 pm [link] [add a comment]


- jim 5-10-2001 10:14 pm [link] [add a comment]

It's my sisters birthday today. Happy birthday Elisabeth!
- jim 5-10-2001 4:15 pm [link] [4 comments]

Here's a very interesting collection of flying saucer images found in various historical artworks.
- jim 5-10-2001 4:02 pm [link] [1 ref] [add a comment]

I recently loaned a Paul Laffoley book to a friend, and this has apparently turned out to be quite a big deal. Her enthusiasm has caused me to take another look, and while this probably comes as no surprise, I am way into this guy. Anyway, I dug back through my amazingly unlabeled video tape archive, and eventually found the tape I shot of his speech at the disnifo.con conference (last fall?) He is completely over the top, and it's funny to hear myself laughing nervously at some of his more unbelievable claims, but I'm very impressed that he appears to actually be trying to say something. As soon as I get my video set up back on line I'll make a little mpeg of this talk (or at least an mp3, it's pretty long.)
- jim 5-10-2001 3:59 pm [link] [add a comment]

Parlez-vous jabber? This sounds like a very good thing for a protocol I am really routing for. Tres bien.
- jim 5-10-2001 3:39 pm [link] [add a comment]

One of my favorite sci-fi devices that might actually be realized in my life is the space elevator. I've talked about this before, but now apparently we're a step closer. Cool.
- jim 5-09-2001 2:52 pm [link] [4 comments]

Well, I have the new system up and running at datamantic.com. Plans are fairly fluid at the moment but I guess the idea is that datamantic is where I can quickly make people pages so they can try out the system while I try to convince them that they need their own dedicated server running this software. I'm trying to make sure there is a clear split between any potential business side of things, and the rigorously uncommercial site we have here. One page is already up and he seems pleased so far. More to come. And of course, we will get this site switched over very soon, as there are more people to add here as well, plus I know some of you (steve,frank) are waiting on me. Soon.
- jim 5-08-2001 4:59 pm [link] [3 comments]

Mozilla 0.9 has been released. I'll let you know later if I get it working. The roadmap now has May 23 as a freeze for 0.91, and then any release after that has at least a chance of being crowned 1.0 (the real thing.) Anyway, sometime this summer. No sense rushing now that so many have given up hope. Better to get it right.
- jim 5-08-2001 2:15 pm [link] [add a comment]

For no apparent reason (or maybe because I've told a few people about this site and there's nothing too interesting on this page,) here are some of my favorite posts elsewhere on the site: here, here, here, here (700K,) and here. Of course there are lots more, but that's a little taste of what's going on.
- jim 5-08-2001 12:02 am [link] [add a comment]

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