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Well, we finally got the DSL in the office. Posting this over a (supposedly) 1.5 Mb/sec. connection. Seems pretty snappy. I just have it etherneted into one machine right now. Still have to get it connected up to the network so we can all share it. I've got a bad feeling that the way Verizon has set this up is going to make things a little difficult.
- jim 6-04-2001 7:16 pm [link] [2 comments]

Clear background piece (that link will expire) on the free software / open source vs. Microsoft squirmishes that have been going on lately. I love this Eban Moglen quote:

"Microsoft, which used to say all the
time that the software business was ruthlessly competitive, is now matched against a competitor whose model of production and distribution is so much better that Microsoft stands no chance of
prevailing in the long run. They're simply trying to scare people out of dealing with a competitor they can't buy, can't intimidate and can't stop."
Yeah, O.K., that's maybe a little overblown. But how much? Think globally. Think about developing nations. Think about China. Think about Africa. In ten years which operating system is going to be globally dominant? Let's see: one that costs more than people in many countries make in a month, or a free one? Actually, Moglen's comment may not be overblown at all.
- jim 6-04-2001 5:35 pm [link] [add a comment]

Tom pointed out that people without accounts here have been unable to post comments. This was a bug. It is now fixed. Sorry about that if it seemed unhospitable.
- jim 6-04-2001 4:21 pm [link] [add a comment]

Frank introduces Wood S. Lot to Laura Riding Jackson.
- jim 6-04-2001 3:56 pm [link] [1 comment]

Ah, mother American night,
here comes the light...
- jim 6-03-2001 5:19 pm [link] [1 comment]

Frighteningly detailed account of a denial of service attack. Great techno cyber detective sort of thing.
- jim 6-02-2001 2:59 pm [link] [1 comment]

Special extra thanks to Mike who is working almost all day today, but still managing to cook us a meal tonight as his contribution to the big party. Probably this is so far beyond the call of duty as to be unfair. Still I've done nothing to stop it, and probably a little to encourage things along. Make sure you lay the thanks on heavy tonight if you're here for dinner.

Early crew in the 3:00 - 4:00 range. Mid crew in the 6:00 - 7:00 range (some food here.) Official party is 8:30 (more food here - around 9:00.) Feel free to decide to which crew you belong.
- jim 6-02-2001 2:52 pm [link] [add a comment]

Tomorrow night is the big party and I haven't done one thing yet. I don't even have a sense of who is coming. Seems like I didn't invite very many people. Maybe it will just be a modest affair. Hopefully it will all come together at the last minute.
- jim 6-01-2001 2:51 pm [link] [add a comment]

Jenna Bush is hereby invited to all future social gatherings associated with this site. (And if she wants a table at Fresh Foods, I'll see what I can do.)
- jim 5-31-2001 8:39 pm [link] [2 comments]

Space Hotel coming soon:

"A Las Vegas hotel tycoon is seeking permission from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to build a private space station, something he contends can be done in the next three years. Robert Bigelow, who made his fortune as owner of Budget Suites of America, said he anticipates that his Bigelow Aerospace division will be able to launch a full-size space station module into orbit within 30 months."
Yeah, O.K., I know this isn't going to happen in the next 30 months if the feds have anything to say about it, but I can dream. Wonder what it would cost? (here's the predictable /. thread)
- jim 5-31-2001 8:00 pm [link] [add a comment]

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