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My friend and sometimes music mentor Dave R. is recommending The Original Harmony Ridge Creekdippers. Don't know much about them except they have a banjo player who uses a wah-wah peddle. Oddly, this is about enough information to make me interested. Playing at The Bottom Line on 8/7 if anyone wants to come along.

Here's a link.
- jim 7-23-2001 5:51 pm [link] [add a comment]

Greatergood.com (which runs the popular hunger site) is shutting down. Wheel will have to find a new homepage.
- jim 7-23-2001 5:19 pm [link] [1 comment]

New 49 Clinton photos start here.
- jim 7-22-2001 8:27 pm [link] [add a comment]

Fun party at Joel's place in Park Slope last night. Seems like I'm making it out to Brooklyn all the time now. Regular frontiersman I am.

Saw a few old friends from college, including the amazing Liz, mother of The White Shadow, world famous over-sized Buick of many legendary road trips. Those were the days. Really fun to remember some of that. Seems like a very long time ago.

Most everyone was my age (within a few years) and I had to laugh at the tendency of those in their early 30s to go on about how old they feel. I've noticed that friends in their 40s (and 50s and 70s) don't do this. I guess you only make a big deal out of it when it's not true yet.

Anyway, made it back safely but couldn't manage the run to the beach this morning with MB and crew. Oh well. When you're as old as I am you've got to keep your skin out of the sun...

Are you enjoying your summer? Better get to it.
- jim 7-22-2001 7:20 pm [link] [8 comments]

Saw this bizarre show (documentary?) on PBS last night about some women in upstate New York who talk to animals. Hokey, but I couldn't stop watching. It seems I'll believe most anything. Very funny show. All the animals are apparently deadpan humorists. I enjoyed the llamas especially. They were in charge. The woman doing the filming asked one llama if the llamas talk to people differently than the other animals do, and the llama said (through the woman translator of course) "yes, we talk on a higher plane than the other animals... we vibrate faster."

update: Whenever I don't do enough searching to find all the information I get scared that Alex is going to pop some words into google and show what a slacker I am for not getting the link in the first place. So, after a little poking around, here it is. The film is called Animal Attraction, and it's part of a series of independent films about New York called Reel New York. Unless you're in the area I don't think you would see this one. Reruns Sunday night at 12:30 on WNET (PBS channel 13 in NYC.)
- jim 7-21-2001 4:17 pm [link] [1 comment]

"We have found and closed the thing you watch us with."
- jim 7-21-2001 3:56 pm [link] [add a comment]

Bless the soul who created this page: configuring mail clients to send plain ascii text. If you don't know what this means, you're probably doing it wrong. And I know you want to impress your geek friends while you make the world a better place. So use plaintext (not HTML) for email. This page gives you the easy step by step instructions for how to change the preferences in your favorite email program.

Go do it!
- jim 7-20-2001 8:35 pm [link] [add a comment]

Possibly we're not the stupidest country in the world, but we are trying hard.

Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 12:31:02 +0100 (BST)
From: Alan Cox
To: alschair@usenix.org
Cc: editor@lwn.net, editors@newsforge.com, gnu@eff.org

I hereby tender my resignation to the Usenix ALS committee.

With the arrest of Dimitry Sklyarov it has become apparent that it is not safe for non US software engineers to visit the United States. While he was undoubtedly chosen for political reasons as a Russian is a good example for the US public the risk extends arbitarily further.

Usenix by its choice of a US location is encouraging other programmers, many from eastern european states hated by the US government to take the same risks. That is something I cannot morally be part of. Who will be the next conference speaker slammed into a US jail for years for committing no crime? Are usenix prepared to take the chance it will be their speakers ?

Until the DMCA mess is resolved I would urge all non US citizens to boycott conferences in the USA and all US conference bodies to hold their conferences elsehere.

I appreciate that this problem is not of Usenix making, but it must be addressed

Alan Cox
This is reprinted from this newsforge story. Allan Cox (weblog) is the number two man in the linux world. If linux were a company, Linus would be chairman of the board and Alan Cox would be CEO, COO, and President all rolled into one. This is one seriously important guy. And now he's scared to come to the U.S. Great.

When will the matrix be ready? I'd like to reserve my upload time.
- jim 7-20-2001 7:42 pm [link] [1 comment]

If you don't have enough RAM you are crazy. Prices are so cheap right now. And it really makes a big difference in how well (and how fast) your machine runs. I just bought 512 megs of RAM for one of the office machines for $95! You can't afford not to buy at that price. Nice.

For Mac memory I recommend macgurus. They take care of their customers (plus you've got to like any company that advertises themselves as being on a jihad.)
- jim 7-20-2001 6:42 pm [link] [add a comment]

Another example of the madness. Adobe has had Dmitry Sklyarov arrested! Expect more of this. Intellectualy property owners cannot secure their digital information, so the only recourse they have is to fight back with this sort of draconian police state mentality. Hey, reminds me of another no-way-to-win war that they keep fighting. Maybe we can get 50% of the population behind bars. Hell, let's just lock everybody up and be done with it.
- jim 7-19-2001 4:31 pm [link] [2 comments]

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