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As is befitting a sci-fi writer, Bruce Sterling provides a bunch of different possible outcomes for the present political mess. Nothing earth shattering, but he has a good eye for the future, and it's refreshing to see these scenarios without the usual freight of the authors political views also being layed bare.
- jim 10-15-2001 11:34 pm [link] [3 comments]

Here's 4 photos I took from the F train in Brooklyn coming back into Manhattan. This is the most impressed I've been with the relatively new Canon G1. The train was really shaking. I've always loved this ride, and these are the best shots I've ever gotten of it.
- jim 10-15-2001 11:13 pm [link] [add a comment]

Ars Technica has an in depth look at MacOS X 10.1. Love that "I want to believe" poster on the first page.

This is interesting: "Apple is also reported to have a Cocoa-to-Perl bridge functioning in-house. There is already a petition online asking for the release of this code. If AppleScript can do it, why not Perl too?"
- jim 10-15-2001 2:17 pm [link] [add a comment]

Just in case you have to entertain some kids today, here's a joke from the Janet, the queen of knock-knocks. It's all in the timing:

Knock knock

Who's there?

Interrupting cow

Interrupting c...


- jim 10-14-2001 5:17 pm [link] [add a comment]

The fissile flim-flam. Three russian journalists try to buy nuclear material on the black market.
- jim 10-13-2001 11:43 pm [link] [add a comment]

Mozilla 0.9.5 has been released.
- jim 10-13-2001 3:22 pm [link] [7 comments]

O.K., I'm going to try to get off politics and back on track here. I guess never having had much of a track to begin with is slowing up this segue. But soon. Real soon now.

Tonight we're going out for dinner as it is our solemn patriotic duty to spend money in local eating establishments (Rudy said so.) And tonight especially so, it being the arbitrary but nevertheless important one month ago day...

The city still smells. Depends on the day and which way the wind blows, but sometimes I wake up in the morning at it is quite strong. Police activity in the Lower East Side is apparently back to normal, what ever that means. Large ad-hoc monuments of flowers and signs are mostly gone, but American flags remain. Everywhere. And firehouses are absolutely bedecked with red white and blue ornaments.

Large upscale restaurants are hurting. I'm assuming all other businesses that rely as much on tourism are hurting too. More local establishments outside the immediate Wall St. zone, like say a little cafe on Clinton St., aren't feeling too much of an effect. I rode home in a cab the other night and was asking the driver what he thought. He said the worst was over and his shifts were getting better.

I guess we'll see about that.
- jim 10-11-2001 11:04 pm [link] [1 ref] [add a comment]

I'm sure the reason I haven't seen this (Pakistani ISI director linked directly to Mahmud Atta) in the U.S. media is because it's incorrect. I mean, our media would never censor anything that might be unpopular with the government. Right?

Now what about getting all those who aid and abet the terrorists? (If you know who backs the ISI you can guess why this will be impossible for the U.S. to do.)
- jim 10-11-2001 7:53 pm [link] [4 comments]

I should rename this page 'gadgets & war' since that's all I post about any more. Today it's back to gadgets: the nokia 5510. Can't say I want one, but that is an interesting take on things.
- jim 10-11-2001 2:55 pm [link] [add a comment]

Anybody use Outlook 4.x on the Mac for email? Could you tell me how to set it to check for new mail automatically at a set interval? I need to explain this to someone with a very tenuous grasp on computers, and I can't get access to a 4.x version of Outlook.
- jim 10-10-2001 7:56 pm [link] [add a comment]

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