...more recent posts
Did anybody else feel that? I don't know what time it was, but I was completely asleep last night when I was woken up by a violent shock to our building. Not like something falling on the roof, but the whole building shaking. Very strong. Not really the sort of thing you want to feel these days. I can't find anything in the news though...
Maybe an earthquake?
A sonic boom from a low flying military jet?
Definitely something big. At least on the lower east side.
Here are 10 photos from our trip up to Indian Lake in the Adirondack State Park. Five hours from NYC. We stayed in a small cabin right on the water. We took a couple hikes, a rather long trip in two row boats, and ate pretty much constantly. C beat us all at cards. Beautiful spot we will return to next year.
Gone fishin'.
Be back Thursday.
When I get downstairs to the office later (and the DSL line) I will check out this 15 megabyte photo of the WTC site. Apparently it was made with a large format camera from a airplane.
Cam has a side by side comparison of the new Windows XP default screen and a poster of the teletubbies. Hmmmm....
Tuesday is: XP release; new Apple ("not a Mac") device release; weblogs.com corner turn. Also, I'll be introducing a new upgraded version of myself at a gala press conference. Your invite might have been lost in the mail.
Whump has a link to an article on making custom sidebars for Netscape 6 (Mozilla.) I've got an experiment brewing I'll need this for.
Wow. Great show last night. Well worth the trip. A little bit of mayhem can still happen right in the middle of Times Square. Are they coming to your town? Highly recommended.
Short article by Paul Virilio:
"...I will underline that terrorism has just inaugurated an anti-cities strategy. This means that all towers are today threatened. Instead of being a place of dominion, as the dungeons of the past, the tower has become a place of weakness: vertically, it is henceforth the equivalent of the outer wall which the artillery blew up...."
I have the chance to pay too much money to see the Yankees on Saturday. This would be completely irresponsible of me, but the question is: should I do it? Somebody talk me down.
Few more boring photos of operation infinite basement office construction.