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I'm very curious why publishing this information (how to defeat a particular audio CD copy protection method with a felt tip pen) does not violate the DMCA? (I think Reuters and C/net published it too.)

I'm not a lawyer, of course, but it seems to be a clear violation. Is it just that the RIAA isn't pressing the issue because it will make them look like fools? Like bigger fools, that is. It certainly would make it clear how over reaching the DMCA is.
- jim 5-31-2002 9:01 pm [link] [2 comments]

Wifi roaming gets a test.

In the test, WiFi Metro will integrate Green Packet's SONaccess IP routers and software with WiFi Metro's system of LAN (local area network) "hot spots," allowing users to switch from one network to another as they move in and out of the respective coverage areas, without having to log on and off.
That will be an important step. No doubt others are working on this as well.
- jim 5-31-2002 7:15 pm [link] [add a comment]

O.K., now it's starting to get hot. My boasting about not needing an air conditioner for the second straight summer is already looking not so smart...
- jim 5-31-2002 7:06 pm [link] [5 comments]

Dailywireless.org is a good source of news on the burgeoning wireless world with an emphasis on community networking.
- jim 5-30-2002 10:07 pm [link] [add a comment]

Here are some good notes (with some good links) about the kind of networks we should be aiming at (relatively short.) That link is from this quick roundup of Pulver's Connectivity 2002 conference at the always informative satn.org.
- jim 5-30-2002 9:12 pm [link] [add a comment]

This is the technology, although not necessarily the implementation, that I'm waiting for. I don't like the word "patented" in this marketing passage, but the rest sounds right on:

MeshNetworks has developed a revolutionary mobile broadband network architecture based on patented ad hoc peer-to-peer (p2p) routing technology. The result is a self-forming, self-healing wireless mesh where mobile devices become the network.

- jim 5-29-2002 8:07 pm [link] [19 comments]

Blogging their way to the north pole.
- jim 5-28-2002 5:29 pm [link] [add a comment]

Test photos from a Foveon X3 prototype sensor. The Foveon site.
- jim 5-28-2002 12:15 am [link] [1 comment]

Heading out to Long Island. I'll be connected. Hope you're all getting out of the house too.
- jim 5-25-2002 8:14 pm [link] [2 comments]

More utter madness from the MPAA. I've stopped being too outraged by this sort of thing, and am now taking it as an inevitable (and ineffectual) stage that must be gone through by a dinosaur in death throes. Sort of like cussing madly at the people around you as you fall unhappily to dust. But I hope that's not too optimistic, and so I'm glad there are people still getting pissed off at these ridiculous legal plays...

Still, the better response would be to build networks that can't be shut down.
- jim 5-24-2002 7:06 pm [link] [add a comment]

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